SIARAD - Roberts4
Word frequency

Words with language tag: cym (6764)

yn (PRT) [353], i (PRON.1S) [297], dw (be.1S.PRES) [226], ddim (NEG) [174], mae (be.3S.PRES) [170], a (and) [127], i (to) [124], ti (PRON.2S) [120], ond (but) [119], ni (PRON.1PL) [113], oedd (be.3S.IMP) [108], wedi (PRT.PAST) [106], o (PRON.3SM) [103], yna (there) [101], na (no) [100], nhw (PRON.3PL) [100], o (of) [87], yr (DET) [78], mynd (go.NONFIN) [77], o'n (be.1S.IMP) [71], gwybod (know.NONFIN) [68], wneud (do.NONFIN) [66], ydy (be.3S.PRES) [62], bod (be.NONFIN) [61], efo (with) [56], fi (PRON.1S) [55], meddwl (think.NONFIN) [53], yn (in) [53], ar (on) [50], wnes (do.1S.PAST) [50], hi (PRON.3SF) [47], un (one) [45], y (DET) [45], chdi (PRON.2S) [43], be (what) [39], gael (get.NONFIN) [33], fo (PRON.3SM) [32], achos (because) [31], am (for) [30], fan (place) [29], ie (yes) [29], â (with) [28], do (yes) [28], os (if) [28], pan (when) [28], wnaeth (do.3S.PAST) [28], chi (PRON.2PL) [27], isio (want) [27], mae (be.3PL.PRES) [27], wedyn (then) [26], hynna (that) [25], wnaethon (do.1PL.PAST) [24], chwarae (play.NONFIN) [23], fel (like) [23], fynd (go.NONFIN) [23], ia (yes) [23], yma (here) [23], fath (kind) [21], de (TAG) [20], gallu (can.NONFIN) [19], hwnna (that) [19], i (for) [19], rei (some) [19], wyt (be.2S.PRES) [19], dipyn (a_little) [18], dydd (day) [18], ella (perhaps) [18], hefyd (also) [18], neu (or) [18], yndy (be.3S.PRES) [18], am (about) [17], baswn (be.1S.CONDIT) [17], deud (say.NONFIN) [17], fyny (up) [17], cofio (remember.NONFIN) [16], dod (come.NONFIN) [16], gweld (see.NONFIN) [16], sy (be.PRES.REL) [16], wna (do.1S.NONPAST) [16], dan (be.1PL.PRES) [15], fod (be.NONFIN) [15], hanner (half) [15], hynny (that) [15], oedden (be.1PL.IMP) [15], tua (approximately) [15], ennill (win.NONFIN) [14], licio (like.NONFIN) [14], pwy (who) [14], weld (see.NONFIN) [14], ar_ôl (after) [13], cael (get.NONFIN) [13], dwytha (previous) [13], dydy (be.3S.PRES.NEG) [13], edrych (look.NONFIN) [13], mor (so) [13], o (from) [13], pam (why) [13], pethau (things) [13], allan (out) [12], amser (time) [12], gennon (with.1PL) [12], iawn (right) [12], rywbeth (something) [12], blwyddyn (year) [11], dda (good) [11], dyna (there) [11], oedda (be.2S.IMP) [11], wnaethon (do.3PL.PAST) [11], ymlaen (ahead) [11], bach (small) [10], bethau (things) [10], fydd (be.3S.FUT) [10], pawb (everybody) [10], pobl (people) [10], sut (how) [10], wsnos (week) [10], adre (home) [9], awr (hour) [9], bob (every) [9], da (good) [9], dach (be.2PL.PRES) [9], ddeud (say.NONFIN) [9], dim (NEG) [9], does (be.3S.PRES.NEG) [9], gorod (must.NONFIN) [9], gweithio (work.NONFIN) [9], heb (without) [9], iawn (very) [9], nag (NEG) [9], raid (necessity) [9], rywun (somebody) [9], yn_ôl (back) [9], ddod (come.NONFIN) [8], diwrnod (day) [8], gwisgo (wear.NONFIN) [8], mewn (in) [8], nôl (back) [8], oedden (be.3PL.IMP) [8], ryw (some) [8], tro (turn) [8], wan (now) [8], â (PRT) [7], Cymru (Wales) [7], dal (still) [7], gemau (games) [7], gynnon (with.1PL) [7], lawr (down) [7], na (PRT) [7], naddo (no) [7], oes (be.3S.PRES) [7], peth (thing) [7], Sadwrn (Saturday) [7], basa (be.2S.CONDIT) [6], bobl (people) [6], cymryd (take.NONFIN) [6], ddrwg (bad) [6], dibynnu (depend.NONFIN) [6], Dolig (Christmas) [6], dwy (two.F) [6], eitha (quite) [6], er (although) [6], eu (POSS.3PL) [6], ffonio (phone.NONFIN) [6], fory (tomorrow) [6], gawn (get.1PL.NONPAST) [6], genna (with.1S) [6], gwaith (work) [6], gynta (first) [6], mwy (more) [6], nesa (next) [6], rhy (too) [6], saith (seven) [6], siarad (speak.NONFIN) [6], tan (until) [6], ail (second) [5], arall (other) [5], basai (be.3S.CONDIT) [5], bell (far) [5], bron (almost) [5], bydd (be.3S.FUT) [5], byw (live.NONFIN) [5], chwaith (either) [5], coleg (college) [5], colli (lose.NONFIN) [5], cyn (before) [5], ddiawl (devil) [5], ddiwrnod (day) [5], dros (over) [5], Duw (God) [5], dy (POSS.2S) [5], eistedd (sit.NONFIN) [5], enw (name) [5], erbyn (against) [5], es (go.1S.PAST) [5], eto (again) [5], faint (how_much) [5], feddwl (think.NONFIN) [5], fedra (can.1S.NONPAST) [5], felly (thus) [5], golli (lose.NONFIN) [5], hogan (girl) [5], le (place) [5], lle (where) [5], milltir (mile) [5], noson (night) [5], pres (money) [5], pump (five) [5], ta (then) [5], teg (fair) [5], wastad (always) [5], wedi (past) [5], weithiau (sometimes) [5], wrth (by) [5], adolygu (revise.NONFIN) [4], Alban (Scotland) [4], alla (can.1S.NONPAST) [4], anodd (difficult) [4], arfordir (coast) [4], barod (ready) [4], beicio (cycle.NONFIN) [4], beth (thing) [4], blaen (front) [4], dau (two.M) [4], ddau (two.M) [4], ddim_byd (nothing) [4], dydyn (be.3PL.PRES.NEG) [4], Eidal (Italy) [4], ers (since) [4], eto (yet) [4], Ffrainc (France) [4], fwy (more) [4], gerdded (walk.NONFIN) [4], gorau (best) [4], gorffen (finish.NONFIN) [4], gorfod (must.NONFIN) [4], gyn (with) [4], gyrru (drive.NONFIN) [4], heddiw (today) [4], i (go.NONFIN) [4], Iwerddon (Ireland) [4], lôn (road) [4], mi (PRT) [4], mond (only) [4], mynd (to) [4], na (NEG) [4], neb (nobody) [4], obeithio (hope.NONFIN) [4], oed (age) [4], oeddet (be.2S.IMP) [4], ofyn (ask.NONFIN) [4], safio (save.NONFIN) [4], sbïad (look.NONFIN) [4], seinio (sign.NONFIN) [4], Sw_Môr (Sea_Zoo) [4], trio (try.NONFIN) [4], trwy (through) [4], wnaeth (do.3PL.PAST) [4], wythnos (week) [4], wythnosau (weeks) [4], ac (and) [3], aeth (go.3S.PAST) [3], arfer (habit) [3], arholiad (exam) [3], aros (stay.NONFIN) [3], awyr (air) [3], ballu (such) [3], blaen (before) [3], bob_dim (everything) [3], braidd (rather) [3], byth (never) [3], cadw (keep.NONFIN) [3], cerdded (walk.NONFIN) [3], cinio (lunch) [3], clywed (hear.NONFIN) [3], cynta (first) [3], dechrau (start.NONFIN) [3], di (PRON.2S) [3], dim_byd (nothing) [3], diwedd (end) [3], dro (turn) [3], dw (PRON.1S) [3], dyn (be.3PL.PRES.NEG) [3], ei (POSS.3S) [3], ei (POSS.3SM) [3], esgyrn (bones) [3], fawr (big) [3], fedra (can.2S.NONPAST) [3], ffeindio (find.NONFIN) [3], ffordd (way) [3], fwynhau (enjoy.NONFIN) [3], fy (POSS.1S) [3], gan (for) [3], gant (hundred) [3], genod (girls) [3], gwahanol (different) [3], Gwener (Friday) [3], gwirion (silly) [3], gymaint (so_much) [3], gynno (with.1S) [3], ha (summer) [3], hapus (happy) [3], hefo (with) [3], helpu (help.NONFIN) [3], hi (PRON.3SM) [3], hir (long) [3], hogiau (boys) [3], holi (ask.NONFIN) [3], hwn (this) [3], i (PRT) [3], llai (less) [3], malu (break.NONFIN) [3], mawr (big) [3], mis (month) [3], mwnci (monkey) [3], nabod (know.NONFIN) [3], newid (change.NONFIN) [3], oeddwn (be.1S.IMP) [3], pa (which) [3], Pasg (Easter) [3], pedwar (four.M) [3], pryd (when) [3], pythefnos (two_weeks) [3], rhan (part) [3], roi (put.NONFIN) [3], roi (give.NONFIN) [3], sbyty (hospital) [3], sgwâr (square) [3], ta (or) [3], teulu (family) [3], tri (three.M) [3], uffernol (hellish) [3], ugain (twenty) [3], wneith (do.3S.NONPAST) [3], ydw (be.1S.PRES) [3], yndw (be.1S.PRES) [3], a (everything) [2], adeg (time) [2], adio (add.NONFIN) [2], agosach (closer) [2], ar (at) [2], atgoffa (remind.NONFIN) [2], ato (to.3SM) [2], basen (be.3PL.CONDIT) [2], bechod (sin) [2], beidio (desist.NONFIN) [2], bore (morning) [2], cae (field) [2], castell (castle) [2], cefn (back) [2], chant (hundred) [2], chwe (six) [2], chwech (six) [2], chwith (left) [2], cwestiynau (questions) [2], cyrraedd (arrive.NONFIN) [2], dal (catch.NONFIN) [2], damia (damn) [2], dan (under) [2], ddeg (ten) [2], ddiddorol (interesting) [2], ddigon (enough) [2], ddigwydd (happen.NONFIN) [2], ddim (PRT) [2], ddylswn (should.1S.CONDIT) [2], dewis (choice) [2], digon (enough) [2], dillad (clothes) [2], diolch (thank.NONFIN) [2], distaw (quiet) [2], dydyn (be.1PL.PRES.NEG) [2], eraill (other) [2], erbyn (by) [2], erioed (never) [2], fach (small) [2], faint (amount) [2], fasen (be.3PL.CONDIT) [2], ffaelio (fail.NONFIN) [2], ffêr (ankle) [2], ffilmio (film.NONFIN) [2], fflio (fly.NONFIN) [2], flinedig (tiring) [2], fuan (soon) [2], fwya (biggest) [2], fysa (be.2S.CONDIT) [2], fysai (be.3S.CONDIT) [2], ga (get.1S.NONPAST) [2], gaethon (get.1PL.PAST) [2], galed (hard) [2], ganslo (cancel.NONFIN) [2], gen (with) [2], gilydd (other) [2], gloch (bell) [2], gogledd (north) [2], gwatsiad (watch.NONFIN) [2], gyd (all) [2], gynna (with.1S) [2], gynno (with.3SM) [2], gynno (with.2S) [2], heibio (past) [2], hen (old) [2], hun (self) [2], Iau (Thursday) [2], iddyn (for.3PL) [2], iddyn (to.3PL) [2], ifanc (young) [2], i_fewn (in) [2], i_fyny (up) [2], isio (PRON.2S) [2], Lloegr (England) [2], llun (picture) [2], mai (PRT) [2], môr (sea) [2], mwya (most) [2], nac (NEG) [2], naci (no) [2], newydd (new) [2], nofio (swim.NONFIN) [2], ochr (side) [2], oes (age) [2], offendio (offend.NONFIN) [2], ohonyn (of.3PL) [2], orffen (finish.NONFIN) [2], oriau (hours) [2], ots (matter) [2], paid (desist.NONFIN) [2], peintio (paint.NONFIN) [2], Pen_Llŷn (Llŷn_Peninsula) [2], pum (five) [2], punt (pound) [2], rhyfedd (strange) [2], roid (put.NONFIN) [2], rŵan (now) [2], ry (too) [2], sbïa (look.2S.IMPER) [2], sgorio (score.NONFIN) [2], sicr (certain) [2], Sul (Sunday) [2], sydd (be.PRES.REL) [2], tad (father) [2], taid (grandfather) [2], (house) [2], unrhyw (any) [2], wahanol (different) [2], waith (time) [2], watsiad (watch.NONFIN) [2], wisgo (wear.NONFIN) [2], wnawn (do.1PL.NONPAST) [2], wrtha (to.1S) [2], wrtha (to.2S) [2], ydyn (be.3PL.PRES) [2], ymyl (side) [2], yndan (be.1PL.PRES) [2], yno (in.3SM) [2], a (cloak) [1], â (IM) [1], aber (estuary) [1], Abertawe (Swansea) [1], achau (genealogy) [1], achos (bacause) [1], actio (act.NONFIN) [1], adael (leave.NONFIN) [1], adar (birds) [1], adduniad (reunion) [1], adio (to) [1], ag (PRT) [1], agos (close) [1], allwch (can.2PL.NONPAST) [1], am (or) [1], am (aboutk) [1], ambell (some) [1], amdanat (about.2S) [1], amdani (for.3SF) [1], amdano (about.3SM) [1], amdanyn (about.3PL) [1], aml (often) [1], angen (need) [1], anghofio (forget.NONFIN) [1], anghytuno (disagree) [1], anghytuno (disagree.NONFIN) [1], annwyl (dear) [1], apelio (appeal.NONFIN) [1], ar (bike) [1], ara (slow) [1], arfer (use.NONFIN) [1], argoel (lord) [1], arno (on.1S) [1], arno (at.3SM) [1], arw (PRT) [1], asgwrn (bone) [1], at (for) [1], at (POSS.1S) [1], at (to) [1], ata (to.1S) [1], ateb (answer.NONFIN) [1], atebion (answers) [1], ati (to.3SF) [1], awr (two.F) [1], basen (be.1PL.CONDIT) [1], baset (be.2S.CONDIT) [1], bedwar (four.M) [1], bell (from) [1], Bermo (Barmouth) [1], biau (own.NONFIN) [1], bob_dim (like) [1], bod (be.1S.IMP) [1], bod (like) [1], bod (PRON.1S) [1], brawd (brother) [1], brecio (brake.NONFIN) [1], bres (money) [1], brodyr (brothers) [1], bron (nearly) [1], bryd (meal) [1], bump (five) [1], bwcio (book.NONFIN) [1], bwyntiau (points) [1], byd (world) [1], bydda (be.2S.fur) [1], bysai (be.3S.CONDIT) [1], byswn (be.1S.CONDIT) [1], byth (ever) [1], bywyd (life) [1], campio (camp.NONFIN) [1], canol (middle) [1], canolig (central) [1], canu (sing.NONFIN) [1], caria (carry.2S.IMPER) [1], cariad (love) [1], cartre (home) [1], cefnders (cousins) [1], cer (go.2S.IMPER) [1], chan (hundred) [1], chi (PRON.2l) [1], chwaer (sister) [1], chwarae (Wrexham) [1], chweched (sixth) [1], Chwefror (February) [1], chwerthin (laugh.NONFIN) [1], chwiorydd (sisters) [1], clariffeio (clarify.NONFIN) [1], clogyn (and) [1], co (memory) [1], codi (raise.NONFIN) [1], coeden (tree) [1], costio (cost.NONFIN) [1], cwbl (total) [1], cwestiynu (question.NONFIN) [1], cwrdd (meet.NONFIN) [1], cwrs (course) [1], cyfnitherod (cousins) [1], cymharu (compare.NONFIN) [1], cyn (that) [1], cynnig (offer.NONFIN) [1], cynt (earlier) [1], cynt (before) [1], cyrraedd (reach.NONFIN) [1], cytuno (agree.NONFIN) [1], dal (hold.NONFIN) [1], dallt (understand.NONFIN) [1], dangos (show.NONFIN) [1], darllen (read.NONFIN) [1], darllen (with) [1], dau_ddeg_tri (twenty_three.M) [1], dda (good.NONFIN) [1], ddarnau (pieces) [1], ddaru (happen.PAST) [1], ddechrau (start.NONFIN) [1], ddechrau (start) [1], ddeudwn (say.1PL.NONPAST) [1], ddim (NET) [1], ddinas (city) [1], ddiog (lazy) [1], ddisgwyl (wait.NONFIN) [1], ddoe (yesterday) [1], ddreifio (drive.NONFIN) [1], ddrud (expensive) [1], ddwy (two.F) [1], ddydd (day) [1], ddylsen (should.3PL.CONDIT) [1], ddynes (woman) [1], de (too) [1], de (then) [1], de (summer) [1], deffro (wake_up.NONFIN) [1], defnydd (use) [1], defnyddio (be.1S.PRES) [1], deg (fair) [1], deulu (family) [1], dewis (choose.NONFIN) [1], digwydd (happen.NONFIN) [1], dilyn (follow.NONFIN) [1], diog (lazy) [1], diolch (thank) [1], dipyn (a_bit) [1], disgwyl (expect.NONFIN) [1], disgwyl (wait.NONFIN) [1], diweddar (recent) [1], doedden (be.3PL.IMP.NEG) [1], doedden (be.1PL.IMP.NEG) [1], draed (feet) [1], drio (try.NONFIN) [1], droead (turning) [1], drosodd (over) [1], drost (over) [1], drutach (more_expensive) [1], drwy (through) [1], dŵr (water) [1], dwy (approximately) [1], dwytha (films) [1], dy (PRON.2S) [1], dydd (DET) [1], dyddiad (date) [1], dydy (PRON.3SM) [1], dydy (be.3PL.PRES.NEG) [1], dyla (should.2S.CONDIT) [1], dylech (should.2PL.CONDIT) [1], dylswn (should.1S.CONDIT) [1], dyn (be.3PL.PRES) [1], dynion (men) [1], dysgu (learn.NONFIN) [1], e_bostio (e_mail.NONFIN) [1], efo (speak.NONFIN) [1], Eidal (Eidal) [1], ein (POSS.3PL) [1], enw (DET) [1], faset (be.2S.CONDIT) [1], fath (with) [1], fedra (be.1S.CONDIT) [1], fel (be.NONFIN) [1], fel (be.2S.PRES) [1], fethu (fail.NONFIN) [1], fewn (in) [1], ffitio (fit.NONFIN) [1], ffordio (afford.NONFIN) [1], ffrindiau (friends) [1], ffwrdd (away) [1], fi (from.1S) [1], fi (PRT) [1], flin (cross) [1], flwyddyn (year) [1], flynedd (year) [1], flynyddoedd (years) [1], fuan (early) [1], funud (minute) [1], fwyd (food) [1], fwynhau (PRON.1S) [1], fyd (world) [1], fydda (be.1S.FUT) [1], fyddan (be.1PL.FUT) [1], fynd (to) [1], fynd (fo.NONFIN) [1], fyny (in) [1], fyswn (PRON.1S) [1], gaeth (get.3S.PAST) [1], gafoch (get.2PL.PAST) [1], gafon (get.1PL.PAST) [1], gampio (camp.NONFIN) [1], gan (hundred) [1], gannoedd (hundreds) [1], ganol (middle) [1], gas (horrible) [1], gefnder (cousin) [1], gei (get.2S.NONPAST) [1], genno (with.2S) [1], genod (and) [1], ges (get.1S.PAST) [1], glaf (patient) [1], gloch (clock) [1], goleg (college) [1], gorffen (finish) [1], gorffenna (finish.2S.IMPER) [1], gormod (too_much) [1], gwaelod (bottom) [1], gwaetha (worst) [1], gwahaniaeth (difference) [1], gwaith (time) [1], gwario (spend.NONFIN) [1], gwddw (neck) [1], gweddill (rest) [1], gweiddi (shout.NONFIN) [1], gwelwch (see.2S.NONPAST) [1], gwerthu (sell.NONFIN) [1], gwisgo (up) [1], gwlad (country) [1], gyferbyn (opposite) [1], gyfweliad (interview) [1], Gymru (Wales) [1], gyn (from) [1], gynni (with.3SF) [1], gynnoch (with.2PL) [1], gynnon (with.3PL) [1], gynnyn (from.3PL) [1], gynt (faster) [1], ha (here) [1], haeddu (deserve.NONFIN) [1], hapno (happen.NONFIN) [1], haul (sun) [1], haws (easier) [1], hen (boy) [1], heno (tonight) [1], het (and) [1], hogyn (boy) [1], holl (complete) [1], hollol (complete) [1], honna (that) [1], hunain (self) [1], hwyl (fun) [1], hyd_yn_oed (even) [1], hyn (here) [1], hŷn (older) [1], hynna (do.1PL.PAST) [1], hynna (oldest) [1], i (Canada) [1], i (do.NONFIN) [1], i (do.1S.PAST) [1], i (NEG) [1], i (Cornwall) [1], i (IM) [1], i (of) [1], i (add.NONFIN) [1], i (be.1S.PRES) [1], iawn (PRT) [1], iddo (for.3SM) [1], i_ffwrdd (away) [1], i_gyd (all) [1], isa (lower) [1], jocian (joke.NONFIN) [1], jocio (joke.NONFIN) [1], lais (voice) [1], lan (shore) [1], Lanbedr_Pont_Steffan (Lampeter) [1], leia (least) [1], leisiau (voices) [1], leoliad (location) [1], Lerpwl (Liverpool) [1], licio (girls) [1], llall (other) [1], llawn (full) [1], lle (place) [1], llefydd (places) [1], llenwi (fill) [1], lleoliad (location) [1], lleoliadau (locations) [1], llonydd (still) [1], lluchio (throw.NONFIN) [1], Llun (Monday) [1], Llundain (London) [1], Lundain (London) [1], lwcus (luck) [1], magu (bring_up.NONFIN) [1], man (place) [1], marciau (marks) [1], marcio (mark.NONFIN) [1], meindio (go.NONFIN) [1], menthyg (borrow.2S.IMPER) [1], Mercher (Wednesday) [1], mewn (hat) [1], misio (miss.NONFIN) [1], mynedd (patience) [1], mynydd (mountain) [1], mywyd (life) [1], na (there) [1], naw (nine) [1], neidr (snake) [1], neithiwr (last_night) [1], nes (closer) [1], nes (until) [1], neu (something) [1], neuadd (hall) [1], nghasgliad (PRON.1S) [1], nhw (PRON.1PL) [1], ni (play.NONFIN) [1], ni ( [1], nillad (clothes) [1], Niwbwrch (Newborough) [1], nôl (fetch.NONFIN) [1], noswaith (night) [1], o (NEG) [1], o (Barmouth) [1], o (just) [1], o (day) [1], o (bruises) [1], o'ch (be.2S.IMP) [1], ochrau (side) [1], ochrau (sides) [1], o_danan (under.1PL) [1], oedd (rough) [1], oedda (be.2PL.IMP) [1], oeddachd (be.2S.IMP) [1], oeddech (be.2PL.IMP) [1], oedden (be.3PL.PAST) [1], ofn (fear) [1], o_gwbl (at_all) [1], o_gwmpas (around) [1], ohona (hour) [1], ohono (of.3SM) [1], ohono (of.1S) [1], ola (final) [1], olwynion (wheels) [1], o'n (PRON.1S) [1], os (cheap) [1], o_wrtho (from.2S) [1], pa (what) [1], paid (desist.2S.IMPER) [1], papur (paper) [1], pasio (pass.NONFIN) [1], pêl_droed (football) [1], pellach (further) [1], pen (head) [1], penderfynu (decide.NONFIN) [1], pentre (village) [1], petasa (if_be.2S.CONDIT) [1], plantos (kiddies) [1], pnawn (afternoon) [1], pointiau (points) [1], Porthaethwy (Menai_Bridge) [1], priodi (marry.NONFIN) [1], profiad (experience) [1], pryd (time) [1], Prydain (Britain) [1], rei (osme) [1], reswm (reason) [1], rhad (one) [1], rhad (cheap) [1], rheina (those) [1], rhif (number) [1], rhoi (give.NONFIN) [1], rhosys (roses) [1], Rhufain (Rome) [1], roedden (be.1PL.IMP) [1], roid (give.NONFIN) [1], Rufain (Rome) [1], rwyt (be.2S.PRES) [1], ryfedd (strange) [1], rywbeth (on) [1], rywle (somewhere) [1], sâl (sick) [1], sbïo (look.NONFIN) [1], sef (namely) [1], Seland_Newydd (New_Zealand) [1], siâp (shape) [1], siarad (want) [1], Sir_Drefaldwyn (Montgomeryshire) [1], Sir_Fôn (Anglesey) [1], sôn (mention.NONFIN) [1], sti (know.2S) [1], stryd (street) [1], sŵn (sound) [1], swydd (job) [1], symud (move.NONFIN) [1], synnu (wonder.NONFIN) [1], syrthio (fall.NONFIN) [1], syth (straight) [1], tair (three.F) [1], talu (pay.NONFIN) [1], teimlo (feel.NONFIN) [1], teledu (television) [1], tenau (thin) [1], T_G_A_U (G_C_S_E) [1], ti (PRT) [1], ti (if) [1], ti (x) [1], timau (teams) [1], timod (know.2S) [1], torri (break.NONFIN) [1], torri (brake.NONFIN) [1], tridegau (thirties) [1], troead (turn) [1], troi (turn.NONFIN) [1], trwyddo (through.3SM) [1], tua ([...]) [1], tymor (term) [1], uffar (hell) [1], un_deg_naw (nineteen) [1], unig (only) [1], union (exact) [1], wael (poor) [1], wario (spend.NONFIN) [1], wastio (waste.NONFIN) [1], wedi (wear.NONFIN) [1], wedi (use) [1], wedyn (after) [1], well (better) [1], werthfawrogi (appreciate.NONFIN) [1], wir (true) [1], wlad (country) [1], wna (do.2S.PAST) [1], wnaeth (do.1PL.PAST) [1], wnaethoch (do.2PL.PAST) [1], wnaethon (PRON.1PL) [1], wnei (do.2S.NONPAST) [1], wnes (previous) [1], wnest (do.2S.PAST) [1], wneud (make.NONFIN) [1], wnewch (do.2PL.NONPAST) [1], wrth (to) [1], wrtha (to.3SM) [1], wrthach (to.2PL) [1], wrthan (to.1PL) [1], wrthi (to.3SF) [1], wrtho (to.3SM) [1], wrthot (to.2S) [1], wsnosau (weeks) [1], wybodaeth (information) [1], wyn (white) [1], wyt (PRON.2S) [1], wyth (eight) [1], xx (mum) [1], xx (IM) [1], y (read.NONFIN) [1], y (PRT) [1], y (POSS.1S) [1], ydach (be.2PL.PRES) [1], ydan (be.1PL.PRES) [1], ydan (be.3PL.PRES) [1], ydw (be.3S.PRES) [1], ydyn (be.1PL.PRES) [1], yfed (drink.NONFIN) [1], ymchwil (research) [1], ymprydio (fast.NONFIN) [1], yn (driver) [1], yn (mind.NONFIN) [1], yn (say.NONFIN) [1], yn (like.NONFIN) [1], yn (enjoy.NONFIN) [1], yn (collection) [1], yn (love.NONFIN) [1], yn (question) [1], yn (know.NONFIN) [1], yn (far) [1], yn (use.NONFIN) [1], yna (here) [1], yna (that) [1], yn_de (TAG) [1], yn_erbyn (against) [1], yno (there) [1], ynys (island) [1], yr (of) [1], yrru (drive.NONFIN) [1], yrrwr (hellish) [1], ysbyty (hospital) [1], ystol (ladder) [1],

Words with language tag: cym&eng (1029)

oh (IM) [146], yeah (yeah) [115], um (IM) [107], well (well) [73], mmm (IM) [49], so (so) [44], just (just) [38], lot (lot) [24], er (IM) [18], game (game) [18], bike (bike) [16], sure (sure) [13], nice (nice) [10], right (right) [10], team (team) [10], couple (couple) [9], o_k (o_k) [8], rugby (rugby) [7], train (train) [7], mmhm (IM) [6], boy (boy) [5], car (car) [5], cool (cool) [5], Llangefni (Llangefni) [5], Wrexham (Wrexham) [5], Caernarfon (Caernarfon) [4], dad (father) [4], Emma (Emma) [4], Mach (Machynlleth) [4], mam (mother) [4], mentor (mentor) [4], sorry (sorry) [4], sort (sort) [4], Aberdyfi (Aberdyfi) [3], Birmingham (Birmingham) [3], breaks (breaks) [3], Covent_Garden (Covent_Garden) [3], honest (honest) [3], Keele (Keele) [3], Laura (Laura) [3], lift (lift) [3], Mechain (Mechain) [3], off (off) [3], ooh (IM) [3], score (score) [3], uniform (uniform) [3], visitor (visitor) [3], alright (alright) [2], Bill (Bill) [2], boom (boom) [2], Brynsiencyn (Brynsiencyn) [2], cheek (cheek) [2], cinema (cinema) [2], Claire (Claire) [2], dad (dad) [2], deam (team) [2], film (film) [2], films (films) [2], foy (boy) [2], garage (garage) [2], Greg (Greg) [2], horrible (horrible) [2], Jamaica (Jamaica) [2], jeans (jeans) [2], Llanddwyn (Llanddwyn) [2], Llandudno (Llandudno) [2], mam (mum) [2], nuisance (nuisance) [2], nurses (nurses) [2], pier (pier) [2], Pili_Palas (Pili_Palas) [2], pitch (pitch) [2], plaster (plaster) [2], Rhyl (Rhyl) [2], shift (shift) [2], Siliwen (Siliwen) [2], Sion (Sion) [2], tacky (tacky) [2], theatres (theatres) [2], trauma (trauma) [2], tricks (tricks) [2], Tywyn (Tywyn) [2], Aberdaron (Aberdaron) [1], Adrian (Adrian) [1], ah (IM) [1], aha (IM) [1], auntie (auntie) [1], Ave_Maria (Ave_Maria) [1], Bangor (Bangor) [1], bank (bank) [1], Barcelona (Barcelona) [1], bars (bars) [1], Batman_Begins (be.3S.IMP) [1], bet (bet) [1], Beuno (Beuno) [1], bikes (bikes) [1], bity (pity) [1], Blackpool (Blackpool) [1], bloody (bloody) [1], boxes (boxes) [1], Brooks (Brooks) [1], brotest (protest) [1], B_U_S_A (B_U_S_A) [1], buses (buses) [1], Canada (Canade) [1], Canada (TAG) [1], Cathedral_Square (Cathedral_Square) [1], chance (chance) [1], Charlie (Charlie) [1], chat (chat) [1], Christchurch (Christchurch) [1], clear (clear) [1], comics (comics) [1], consent (consent) [1], cook (cook) [1], Criccieth (Criccieth) [1], Cynnog (Cynnog) [1], De (De) [1], Demi_Moore (Demi_Moore) [1], Derailed (Derailed) [1], dilemmas (dilemmas) [1], Eifl (Eifl) [1], Europe (Europe) [1], film (the) [1], fool (fool) [1], forum (forum) [1], foy (PRT.PAST) [1], freaks (breaks) [1], Gaernarfon (Caernarfon) [1], game (before) [1], Gemma (Gemma) [1], glear (clear) [1], group (group) [1], hello (hello) [1], help (help) [1], hmm (IM) [1], ice_cream (ice_cream) [1], I_T_U (I_T_U) [1], jance (chance) [1], Janine (Janine) [1], jealous (jealous) [1], jeek (cheek) [1], job (job) [1], just (old) [1], King_Kong (King_Kong) [1], Kyle (Kyle) [1], leg (leg) [1], lists (lists) [1], Liz (Liz) [1], Llanfair (Llanfair) [1], Lowri (Lowri) [1], mam (PRT) [1], Medi (Medi) [1], microphones (microphones) [1], mime (mime) [1], odd (odd) [1], oh (can.1S.NONPAST) [1], oops (oops) [1], paranoid (paranoid) [1], pathetic (pathetic) [1], person (person) [1], phone (phone) [1], please (please) [1], point (point) [1], ponies (ponies) [1], pph (IM) [1], programme (programme) [1], question (question) [1], question (DET) [1], Ramblas (Ramblas) [1], Rhaeadr (Rhaeadr) [1], Rhos (Rhos) [1], Roger_Bebb (Roger_Bebb) [1], round (round) [1], session (session) [1], set (set) [1], Shetland (Shetland) [1], shifts (shifts) [1], shop (shop) [1], Silwen (Silwen) [1], size (size) [1], slogans (slogans) [1], staff (staff) [1], statue (statue) [1], story (story) [1], stretch (stretch) [1], student (student) [1], sure (sures) [1], teddy_bear (teddy_bear) [1], Tenerife (Tenerife) [1], The_Wizard (name) [1], tip (tip) [1], Titanic (Titanic) [1], top (top) [1], Trefor (Trefor) [1], tries (tries) [1], Twthill (Twthill) [1], ulcers (ulcers) [1], um (be.3S.PRES.NEG) [1], um (kind) [1], van (van) [1], visitors (visitors) [1], ward (ward) [1], well (wel) [1], Wetherspoons (Wetherspoons) [1], Where's_Wally (Where''s_Wally) [1], wow (wow) [1], wrong (wrong) [1], Ynys_las (Ynys_las) [1],

Words with language tag: eng (234)

really (really) [22], league (league) [12], actually (actually) [9], placement (placement) [7], A_and_E (A_and_E) [5], gosh (gosh) [5], health (health) [5], anyway (anyway) [4], God (God) [4], of (of) [4], seconds (seconds) [4], care (care) [3], crash (crash) [3], district (district) [3], five (five) [3], nil (nil) [3], ninety_nine (ninety_nine) [3], no (no) [3], orthopaedics (orthopaedics) [3], a (a) [2], average (average) [2], crutches (crutches) [2], delivery (delivery) [2], disgrace (disgrace) [2], friendlies (friendlies) [2], full (full) [2], handle_bars (handle_bars) [2], ish (ish) [2], Manchester (Manchester) [2], mountain (mountain) [2], my (my) [2], nine (nine) [2], presentation (presentation) [2], ridiculous (ridiculous) [2], time (time) [2], to (to) [2], training (training) [2], about (about) [1], actual (actual) [1], adventure (adventure) [1], amazing (amazing) [1], annoying (annoying) [1], anyone (anyone) [1], apparently (apparently) [1], at (at) [1], bandaging (bandaging) [1], bitchy (bitchy) [1], budging (budging) [1], cardiac (cardiac) [1], cathedral (cathedral) [1], coaching (coaching) [1], complete (complete) [1], confused (confused) [1], consistent (consistent) [1], Cornwall (or) [1], Cornwall (Cornwall) [1], cousin (cousin) [1], cousins (cousins) [1], crow (crow) [1], crucial (crucial) [1], cycle (cycle) [1], day (day) [1], debates (debates) [1], defence (defence) [1], desperately (desperately) [1], d_v_d (d_v_d) [1], e_mail (e_mail) [1], embarrassing (embarrassing) [1], extended (extended) [1], faithfully (faithfully) [1], fifty_three (fifty_three) [1], fog_horn (fog_horn) [1], for (for) [1], fourteen (fourteen) [1], generations (generations) [1], good (good) [1], hang (hang) [1], having (having) [1], hell (hell) [1], hook (hook) [1], housemates (housemates) [1], internet (internet) [1], keen (keen) [1], knackered (knackered) [1], least (least) [1], midwives (midwives) [1], mind (mind) [1], moment (moment) [1], mouth (mouth) [1], move (move) [1], never (never) [1], New_York (New_York) [1], nickname (nickname) [1], North_Wales_League (North_Wales_League) [1], not (not) [1], obviously (obviously) [1], offence (offence) [1], offensive (offensive) [1], on (on) [1], outgoing (outgoing) [1], outpatients (outpatients) [1], performers (performers) [1], physiology (physiology) [1], placements (placements) [1], poor (poor) [1], probably (probably) [1], really (relly) [1], rep (rep) [1], rescheduled (rescheduled) [1], research (research) [1], said (said) [1], say (say) [1], season (season) [1], spot (spot) [1], street (street) [1], surprisingly (surprisingly) [1], tendency (tendency) [1], that (that) [1], the (the) [1], thing (thing) [1], things (things) [1], though (though) [1], til (til) [1], twenty_nine (twenty_nine) [1], typical (typical) [1], useless (useless) [1], way (way) [1], with (with) [1], working (working) [1],

Words with language tag: eng+cym (9)

text_io (text.NONFIN) [4], amass_io (amass.NONFIN) [1], beat_io (beat.NONFIN) [1], blink_io (blink.NONFIN) [1], love_io (be.1S.PRES) [1], pontificate_io (pontificate.NONFIN) [1],

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The support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and the Welsh Government is gratefully acknowledged.