SIARAD - Davies4
Word frequency for speaker CYN

Words with language tag: cym (2929)

yn (PRT) [97], de (TAG) [92], mae (be.3S.PRES) [82], ti (PRON.2S) [78], a (and) [71], i (PRON.1S) [71], yn (in) [61], o (PRON.3SM) [55], yr (DET) [53], i (to) [50], y (DET) [50], ddim (NEG) [49], chdi (PRON.2S) [47], ia (yes) [47], dw (be.1S.PRES) [46], o (of) [43], mynd (go.NONFIN) [40], yna (there) [40], oedd (be.3S.IMP) [39], ni (PRON.1PL) [38], dyna (there) [36], wedyn (then) [35], nhw (PRON.3PL) [32], ond (but) [31], ydy (be.3S.PRES) [30], efo (with) [27], wedi (PRT.PAST) [27], be (what) [26], deud (say.NONFIN) [26], bod (be.NONFIN) [25], mewn (in) [24], dydy (be.3S.PRES.NEG) [21], hi (PRON.3SF) [21], ar (on) [20], un (one) [20], am (for) [19], mae (be.3PL.PRES) [19], ryw (some) [17], fel (like) [15], gyn (with) [15], na (no) [15], ffordd (way) [14], di (PRON.2S) [13], do (yes) [12], fath (kind) [12], fo (PRON.3SM) [12], isio (want) [12], basai (be.3S.CONDIT) [11], dy (POSS.2S) [11], fi (PRON.1S) [11], i (for) [11], neu (or) [11], o (from) [11], cael (get.NONFIN) [10], does (be.3S.PRES.NEG) [10], iawn (right) [10], wneud (do.NONFIN) [10], â (with) [9], bach (small) [9], ella (perhaps) [9], drosodd (over) [8], o'n (be.1S.IMP) [8], pan (when) [8], sti (know.2S) [8], ac (and) [7], bob (every) [7], dan (be.1PL.PRES) [7], dod (come.NONFIN) [7], faint (how_much) [7], oedden (be.1PL.IMP) [7], wan (now) [7], weld (see.NONFIN) [7], yma (here) [7], aethon (go.1PL.PAST) [6], am (about) [6], baswn (be.1S.CONDIT) [6], ddau (two.M) [6], gweld (see.NONFIN) [6], hefyd (also) [6], hynna (that) [6], licio (like.NONFIN) [6], lle (place) [6], lle (where) [6], nag (NEG) [6], ots (matter) [6], ta (or) [6], tua (approximately) [6], wahanol (different) [6], adre (home) [5], bont (bridge) [5], bres (money) [5], deud (say.2S.IMPER) [5], ers (since) [5], fyny (up) [5], hir (long) [5], hwnna (that) [5], meddwl (think.NONFIN) [5], o'ch (be.2S.IMP) [5], os (if) [5], pawb (everybody) [5], siarad (speak.NONFIN) [5], Sir_Fôn (Anglesey) [5], wna (do.1S.NONPAST) [5], yndy (be.3S.PRES) [5], aeth (go.3S.PAST) [4], arall (other) [4], awr (hour) [4], Cymraeg (Welsh) [4], ddim_byd (nothing) [4], dim_byd (nothing) [4], doedd (be.3S.IMP.NEG) [4], ei (go.2S.NONPAST) [4], eu (POSS.3PL) [4], felly (thus) [4], fod (be.NONFIN) [4], fydda (be.1S.FUT) [4], fynd (go.NONFIN) [4], gael (get.NONFIN) [4], gaethon (get.1PL.PAST) [4], gwybod (know.NONFIN) [4], hun (self) [4], Iesu (Jesus) [4], le (place) [4], mis (month) [4], mwy (more) [4], naci (no) [4], naw (nine) [4], rywun (somebody) [4], ta (then) [4], wnaeth (do.3S.PAST) [4], wrth (by) [4], yli (see.2S.IMPER) [4], ymlaen (ahead) [4], achos (because) [3], allan (out) [3], beth (thing) [3], bethau (things) [3], bywyd (life) [3], chwaith (either) [3], chwarae (play.NONFIN) [3], cofio (remember.NONFIN) [3], cymryd (take.NONFIN) [3], ddeud (say.NONFIN) [3], ddiwrnod (day) [3], ddwy (two.F) [3], drio (try.NONFIN) [3], Duw (God) [3], ei (POSS.3S) [3], enw (name) [3], est (go.2S.PAST) [3], ffilmio (film.NONFIN) [3], fflio (fly.NONFIN) [3], flwyddyn (year) [3], fuon (be.1PL.PAST) [3], gofyn (ask.NONFIN) [3], gorod (must.NONFIN) [3], gwahanol (different) [3], gweithio (work.NONFIN) [3], gwely (bed) [3], gymaint (so_much) [3], hanner (half) [3], hollol (exact) [3], hyn (this) [3], iddi (for.3SF) [3], Llundain (London) [3], man (place) [3], mi (PRT) [3], môr (sea) [3], nabod (know.NONFIN) [3], nôl (back) [3], oes (be.3S.PRES) [3], pethau (things) [3], plant (children) [3], pnawn (afternoon) [3], pobl (people) [3], pris (price) [3], raid (necessity) [3], rei (some) [3], roi (put.NONFIN) [3], roid (put.NONFIN) [3], rywbeth (something) [3], rywfaint (some_amount) [3], sôn (mention.NONFIN) [3], stopio (stop.NONFIN) [3], sut (how) [3], swndio (sound.NONFIN) [3], wneith (do.3S.NONPAST) [3], wnest (do.2S.PAST) [3], wraig (wife) [3], wyt (be.2S.PRES) [3], y (POSS.1S) [3], ychydig (a_little) [3], yn_ôl (back) [3], alla (can.1S.NONPAST) [2], amser (time) [2], arfer (use.NONFIN) [2], baset (be.2S.CONDIT) [2], blaidd (wolf) [2], bobl (people) [2], braf (fine) [2], bridd (soil) [2], briodas (wedding) [2], bryd (time) [2], byth (never) [2], byw (live.NONFIN) [2], cadw (keep.NONFIN) [2], caeau (fields) [2], cerdded (walk.NONFIN) [2], cerrig (stones) [2], chi (PRON.2PL) [2], chwarter (quarter) [2], chwech (six) [2], clywed (hear.NONFIN) [2], coleg (college) [2], Cymry (welsh_people) [2], da (good) [2], deuddeg (twelve) [2], digon (enough) [2], dim (NEG) [2], doeddachd (be.2S.IMP.NEG) [2], dre (town) [2], droedfedd (foot) [2], dros (over) [2], drwy (through) [2], dunnell (ton) [2], dwsin (dozen) [2], dwy (two.F) [2], dwyt (be.2S.PRES.NEG) [2], dwytha (final) [2], dydd (day) [2], dydw (be.1S.PRES.NEG) [2], faint (how_many) [2], fan (place) [2], ferch (girl) [2], ffonio (phone.NONFIN) [2], flynedd (year) [2], fwyta (eat.NONFIN) [2], Gaerdydd (Cardiff) [2], gest (get.2S.PAST) [2], glân (clean) [2], gobeithio (hope.NONFIN) [2], gorffen (finish.NONFIN) [2], gwaith (work) [2], gyfnod (period) [2], gynnon (with.1PL) [2], gynnon (with.3PL) [2], hapus (happy) [2], heno (tonight) [2], hollol (complete) [2], hunain (self) [2], i_ffwrdd (away) [2], i_fyny (up) [2], lawr (down) [2], lefydd (places) [2], lenwi (fill.NONFIN) [2], llall (other) [2], modd (liking) [2], nac (NEG) [2], naddo (no) [2], neb (nobody) [2], nesa (next) [2], newydd (newly) [2], oedda (be.2S.IMP) [2], oedden (be.3PL.IMP) [2], ofnadwy (terrible) [2], o'n (be.1PL.IMP) [2], pasio (pass.NONFIN) [2], punt (pound) [2], pwy (who) [2], pwysau (weight) [2], rhein (these) [2], Saeson (English_people) [2], saff (safe) [2], sâl (poor) [2], Sbaen (Spain) [2], sefydlu (establish.NONFIN) [2], sy (be.PRES.REL) [2], sydd (be.PRES.REL) [2], ta (TAG) [2], tair (three.F) [2], te (TAG) [2], tri (three.M) [2], tydy (be.3S.PRES.NEG) [2], tywydd (weather) [2], uffar (hell) [2], werth (worth) [2], wnes (do.1S.PAST) [2], wsnos (week) [2], wsti (know.2S) [2], wyrdd (green) [2], â (PRT) [1], actio (act.NONFIN) [1], acw (there) [1], adeg (time) [1], adio (add.NONFIN) [1], aethoch (go.2PL.PAST) [1], afael (hold.NONFIN) [1], agoriad (opener) [1], agosa (closer) [1], ail_leflo (relevel.NONFIN) [1], allu (can.NONFIN) [1], am (at) [1], am (course) [1], aml (often) [1], anghofio (forget.NONFIN) [1], anodd (difficult) [1], ar (at) [1], ardd (garden) [1], ar_ôl (after) [1], at (to) [1], bach (bit) [1], bagiau (bags) [1], balansio (balance.NONFIN) [1], balchach (more_glad) [1], baswn (be.1S.PAST) [1], bedair (four.F) [1], ben (head) [1], blaen (front) [1], blant (children) [1], blasu (taste.NONFIN) [1], blodau (flower) [1], blynyddoedd (years) [1], boddau (liking) [1], botiau (pots) [1], bwrdd (table) [1], bwriadu (intend.NONFIN) [1], bwyd (food) [1], bwydydd (foods) [1], bwysau (weight) [1], bwyta (eat.NONFIN) [1], byd (ever) [1], byd (world) [1], bydd (be.3S.FUT) [1], bymtheg (fifteen) [1], bysat (be.2S.CONDIT) [1], bythefnos (two_weeks) [1], Caerdydd (Cardiff) [1], calon (heart) [1], caria (carry.2S.IMPER) [1], castio (cast.NONFIN) [1], ceffylau (horses) [1], cefn (back) [1], cegaid (mouthful) [1], cerrig (stone) [1], chei (get.2S.NONPAST) [1], chwaer (sister) [1], chwarae (play) [1], chwe_deg (sixty) [1], chweil (while) [1], chwyn (weeds) [1], clai (clay) [1], codi (rise.NONFIN) [1], coesau (legs) [1], cofia (remember.2S.IMPER) [1], colli (lose.NONFIN) [1], cotiau (coats) [1], cracio (crack.NONFIN) [1], cwrdd (meet.NONFIN) [1], cyfle (opportunity) [1], Cymru (Cymru) [1], cyn (before) [1], cyngor (council) [1], cynt (earlier) [1], cyrraedd (arrive.NONFIN) [1], cyrraedd (reach.NONFIN) [1], dal (hold.NONFIN) [1], dda (good) [1], ddeg (pound) [1], ddeg (ten) [1], ddeudaist (say.2S.PAST) [1], ddisgwyl (wait.NONFIN) [1], ddoctoriaid (doctors) [1], ddrosodd (over) [1], ddyn (man) [1], debyg (similar) [1], dechrau (start.NONFIN) [1], defaid (sheep) [1], deud (say) [1], Dinbych (Denbight) [1], dipyn (a_little) [1], do'n (be.1S.IMP.NEG) [1], do'n (be.1PL.IMP.NEG) [1], dopio (top.NONFIN) [1], dri (three.M) [1], droi (turn.NONFIN) [1], drosto (over) [1], dw (bw.1S.PRES) [1], dŵad (say.2S.IMPER) [1], dŵad (come.NONFIN) [1], dwrn (turn) [1], dwytha (previous) [1], e_bostio (e_mail.NONFIN) [1], ei (POSS.3SM) [1], ei_gilydd (each_other) [1], ein (POSS.1PL) [1], enjoio (enjoy.NONFIN) [1], enwedig (particular) [1], eraill (other) [1], erbyn (by) [1], erioed (never) [1], eto (again) [1], fenga (youngest) [1], ffrindiau (friends) [1], filltiroedd (miles) [1], finnau (PRON.1S) [1], fis (month) [1], fodd (liking) [1], frys (rush) [1], fuodd (be.3S.PAST) [1], fwyd (food) [1], fwynhau (enjoy.NONFIN) [1], fyddan (be.3PL.FUT) [1], fyddi (be.2S.FUT) [1], fynedd (patience) [1], fyswn (be.1S.cond) [1], fyw (live.NONFIN) [1], gadael (leave.NONFIN) [1], gaddo (promise.NONFIN) [1], gadwais (keep.1S.PAST) [1], gaeth (get.3S.PAST) [1], gallu (can.NONFIN) [1], gan (hundred) [1], gan (for) [1], ganol (middle) [1], gath (cat) [1], gei (get.2S.NONPAST) [1], geith (get.3S.NONPAST) [1], gen (with) [1], genod (girls) [1], gewch (get.2PL.NONPAST) [1], giami (gammy) [1], glan (shore) [1], glas (blue) [1], gloch (clock) [1], gorn (corn) [1], gredu (believe.NONFIN) [1], gwatsiad (watch.NONFIN) [1], gwisgo (wear.NONFIN) [1], gŵr (husband) [1], gwraig (wife) [1], gwrs (of) [1], gwyliau (holidays) [1], gwyneb (face) [1], gwynt (wind) [1], gwyrdd (green) [1], gychwyn (start.NONFIN) [1], gyd (all) [1], gyfle (opportunity) [1], gyfreithwyr (lawyers) [1], gymdeithas (society) [1], gymharu (compare.NONFIN) [1], Gymru (Wales) [1], Gymry (Welsh_people) [1], Gymry (welsh_people) [1], gymysgu (mix.NONFIN) [1], gynnig (offer) [1], gynnil (economical) [1], gynnil (Oswy) [1], gynno (with.3SF) [1], gynno (with.2S) [1], gynno (with.1S) [1], gynnyn (with.3PL) [1], gynt (earlier) [1], heb (withour) [1], hefo (with) [1], hel (collect.NONFIN) [1], helpu (help.NONFIN) [1], hen (old) [1], hiraethu (long.NONFIN) [1], hitio (hit.NONFIN) [1], hogan (girl) [1], hogyn (boy) [1], holau (tracks) [1], holl (whole) [1], i (PRON.1S.) [1], iach (healthy) [1], i_ffwrdd (off) [1], i_gyd (all) [1], iwsio (use.NONFIN) [1], joio (enjoy.NONFIN) [1], lan (shore) [1], lân (clean) [1], lan_môrs (seasides) [1], law (hand) [1], leflo (level.NONFIN) [1], leni (this_year) [1], lladd (kill.NONFIN) [1], llai (smaller) [1], llath (yard) [1], llaw (had) [1], llawr (floor) [1], llefydd (places) [1], llenwi (fill.NONFIN) [1], llwyth (load) [1], llygad (eye) [1], lun (picture) [1], lwythi (loads) [1], mae (be.1S.PRES) [1], mai (PRT) [1], Mai (May) [1], Manceinion (Manchester) [1], mantais (advantage) [1], math (kind) [1], mawd (thumb) [1], mawr (big) [1], Mawrth (March) [1], meddai (say.1S.PAST) [1], melyn (yellow) [1], mlynedd (years) [1], mond (only) [1], mwynhau (enjoy.NONFIN) [1], myn (by) [1], na (PRT) [1], neu (ten) [1], newydd (new) [1], ni (PRON.1S) [1], nos (night) [1], o (food) [1], oeddachd (be.2S.IMP.NEG) [1], oeddachd (be.2S.IMP) [1], oedran (age) [1], ofn (fear) [1], o_gwmpas (around) [1], oherwydd (because) [1], ohirio (postpone.NONFIN) [1], ohonon (of.1PL) [1], olwyn (wheel) [1], ordro (order.NONFIN) [1], o't (be.2S.IMP) [1], pam (why) [1], parcio (park.NONFIN) [1], pedwar (four.M) [1], pentre (village) [1], petasa (if_be.2S.CONDIT) [1], petaset (if_be.2S.CONDIT) [1], petaswn (if_be.1S.CONDIT) [1], peth (thing) [1], pres (money) [1], pridd (soil) [1], pump (five) [1], punt (for) [1], pythefnos (two_weeks) [1], reiat (riot) [1], resymol (reasonable) [1], roi (give.NONFIN) [1], rown (give.1PL.NONPAST) [1], rywle (somewhere) [1], sbïo (look.NONFIN) [1], Seland_Newydd (New_Zealand) [1], sgotyn (Scotsman) [1], sir (county) [1], stretsio (stretch.NONFIN) [1], Sul (Sunday) [1], sylwi (notice.NONFIN) [1], tad (father) [1], talu (pay.NONFIN) [1], talwm (while) [1], teg (fair) [1], teimlo (feel.NONFIN) [1], timod (know.2S) [1], tir (land) [1], torri (cut.NONFIN) [1], trafaelio (travel.NONFIN) [1], trio (try.NONFIN) [1], trio (try.nofnin) [1], troi (turn.NONFIN) [1], tunnell (ton) [1], twrw (noise) [1], (house) [1], tymor (season) [1], tynnu (pull.NONFIN) [1], un_ar_ddeg (eleven) [1], union (exact) [1], wario (spend.NONFIN) [1], watsiad (watch.NONFIN) [1], watsio (watch.NONFIN) [1], wedyn (after) [1], weithiau (sometimes) [1], wela (see.1S.NONPAST) [1], well (better) [1], well (bettwe) [1], welson (see.1PL.PAST) [1], wlychu (get_wet.NONFIN) [1], wrth (from) [1], wrtha (to.2S) [1], wrtha (to.1S) [1], wrth_gwrs (of_course) [1], wrthon (to.1PL) [1], wybod (know.NONFIN) [1], wyliau (holidays) [1], wyth (eight) [1], wythnos (week) [1], ydyn (be.3PL.PRES) [1], ym (in) [1], ym (POSS.1S) [1], ymlaen (forward) [1], ymyl (side) [1], yn (POSS.1S) [1], yn (folder) [1], yndan (be.1PL.PRES) [1], yndyn (be.3PL.PRES) [1], yno (in.3SM) [1], yw (be.3S.PRES) [1],

Words with language tag: cym&eng (499)

yeah (yeah) [108], oh (IM) [53], mmm (IM) [36], well (well) [22], er (IM) [20], so (so) [19], lot (lot) [17], um (IM) [14], sure (sure) [10], just (just) [9], idea (idea) [5], mmhm (IM) [5], right (right) [5], sorry (sorry) [5], Tonfed (Tonfed) [5], America (America) [3], batch (patch) [3], Canada (Canada) [3], film (film) [3], helicopter (helicopter) [3], ideal (ideal) [3], nice (nice) [3], Phoenix (Phoenix) [3], Porthdinllaen (Porthdinllaen) [3], Portugal (Portugal) [3], Sydney (Sydney) [3], Amanda (Amanda) [2], article (article) [2], Australia (Australia) [2], boy (boy) [2], car (car) [2], Carol (Carol) [2], chance (chance) [2], Daily_Post (Daily_Post) [2], football (football) [2], front (front) [2], Grand_Canyon (Grand_Canyon) [2], Heathrow (Heathrow) [2], Hoover_Dam (Hoover_Dam) [2], Jimmy_Cosmo (Jimmy_Cosmo) [2], Kathy (Kathy) [2], L_A (L_A) [2], Oswy (Oswy) [2], Pat (Pat) [2], phone (phone) [2], point (point) [2], room (room) [2], sardines (sardines) [2], size (size) [2], taxi (taxi) [2], Toronto (Toronto) [2], ah (IM) [1], Albufeira (Albufeira) [1], Al_Capone (Al_Capone) [1], Algarve (Algarve) [1], America (Americal) [1], Banff (Banff) [1], Bangor (Bangor) [1], bank (bank) [1], bark (bark) [1], Bethesda (Bethesda) [1], Birdman (Birdman) [1], bloody (bloody) [1], Bont (Bont) [1], Bontnewydd (Bontnewydd) [1], Braveheart (Braveheart) [1], British_Rail (British_Rail) [1], buffet (buffet) [1], Burt_Lancaster (Burt_Lancaster) [1], bus (bus) [1], Carys_Wyn (Carys_Wyn) [1], Chicago (Chicago) [1], Cibyn (Cibyn) [1], cinema (cinema) [1], Click (Click) [1], compost (compost) [1], coyotes (coyote) [1], crowd (crowd) [1], Cynddylan (Cynddylan) [1], Demi_Moore (Demi_Moore) [1], Eleri (Eleri) [1], Elfyn (Elfyn) [1], fates (mates) [1], fiss (miss) [1], foy (boy) [1], Geraint (Geraint) [1], grill (grill) [1], guano (guano) [1], harness (harness) [1], holiday (holiday) [1], hospital (hospital) [1], Indian (Indian) [1], Indian (indian) [1], Irene (Irene) [1], Jenny_Powell (Jenny_Powell) [1], Jimmy_Cosmos (Jimmy_Cosmos) [1], kennels (kennels) [1], Lake_Powell (Lake_Powell) [1], Las_Vegas (Las_Vegas) [1], Llanddwyn (Llanddwyn) [1], Llanwnda (Llanwnda) [1], Meg (Meg) [1], Menter_Môn (Menter_Môn) [1], Midfield (Midfield) [1], miss (miss) [1], missus (missus) [1], nervous (nervous) [1], Niagra_Falls (Niagra_Falls) [1], Nicola_Hayward_Thomas (Nicola_Hayward_Thomas) [1], off (off) [1], opera (opera) [1], Oswy (small) [1], patch (patch) [1], patches (patches) [1], phones (phones) [1], Pobol_y_Cwm (Pobol_y_Cwm) [1], pub (pub) [1], quarantine (quarantine) [1], quite (quite) [1], Rhian (Rhian) [1], Rockies (Rockies) [1], Rownd_a_Rownd (Rownd_a_Rownd) [1], scene (scene) [1], sense (sense) [1], Singapore (Singapore) [1], straight (straight) [1], stuff (stuff) [1], tab (tab) [1], toilet (toilet) [1], travel (travel) [1], trip (trip) [1], Vancouver (Vancouver) [1], wrong (wrong) [1],

Words with language tag: eng (115)

because (because) [14], Greenland (Greenland) [5], falls (falls) [3], incredible (incredible) [3], and (and) [2], bilingual (bilingual) [2], flight (flight) [2], fridge (fridge) [2], Newborough (Newborough) [2], raincoats (raincoats) [2], really (really) [2], thirty (thirty) [2], top_soil (top_soil) [2], a (a) [1], actually (actually) [1], agent (agent) [1], all (all) [1], ambitious (ambitious) [1], area (area) [1], at (at) [1], because (becuause) [1], brilliant (brilliant) [1], brochures (brochures) [1], bush (bush) [1], bustle (bustle) [1], caves (caves) [1], chicken (chicken) [1], commercialised (commercialised) [1], counsellors (counsellors) [1], craic (craic) [1], cuts (cuts) [1], cutting (cutting) [1], definitely (definitely) [1], direct (direct) [1], effort (effort) [1], eighteen (eighteen) [1], ex (ex) [1], excellent (excellent) [1], expats (expats) [1], fertilizer (fertilizer) [1], five (five) [1], foyer (foyer) [1], grandchildren (grandchildren) [1], grandson (grandson) [1], guaranteed (guaranteed) [1], hassle (hassle) [1], house (house) [1], howling (howling) [1], humidity (humidity) [1], hundreds (hundreds) [1], hustle (hustle) [1], Iceland (Iceland) [1], Isle_of_Skye (Isle_of_Skye) [1], leg_room (leg_room) [1], lifetime (lifetime) [1], likewise (likewise) [1], local (local) [1], lovely (lovely) [1], main (main) [1], maintenance (maintenance) [1], meat (meat) [1], mobile (mobile) [1], moisture (moisture) [1], moon (moon) [1], New_York (New_York) [1], New_Zealand (New_Zealand) [1], no (no) [1], of (of) [1], open (open) [1], pace (pace) [1], people_watching (people_watching) [1], pick_ups (pick_ups) [1], première (première) [1], prison (prison) [1], reception (reception) [1], reservation (reservation) [1], restaurant (restaurant) [1], shrubs (shrubs) [1], shuttle (shuttle) [1], the (the) [1], thousand (thousand) [1], to (to) [1], two (two) [1], unbelievable (unbelievable) [1], veg (veg) [1],

Words with language tag: eng+cym (3)

emigrate_io (emigrate.NONFIN) [1], release_io (release.NONFIN) [1], rush_io (rush.NONFIN) [1],

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The support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and the Welsh Government is gratefully acknowledged.