SIARAD - Fusser7
Instances of dillad

672BLOoedd [?] bedroomE FreddieCE dillad glân o yeahCE i_gyd ar llawr .
  be.3S.IMPbe.V.3S.IMPERF bedroombedroom.N.SG Freddiename clothesclothes.N.M.PL cleanclean.ADJ PRON.3SMof.PREP yeahyeah.ADV allall.ADJ onon.PREP floorfloor.N.M.SG
  Freddie's bedrrom was, his clean clothes, yeah, all on the floor.
675ANEdw i (y)n cadw dillad (y)ma iawn ?
  be.1S.PRESbe.V.1S.PRES PRON.1SI.PRON.1S PRTPRT keep.NONFINkeep.V.INFIN clothesclothes.N.M.PL herehere.ADV alrightOK.ADV
  I put all these clothes away, right?
678ANE+" dillad i_lawr # a cliriwch y bedroomE !
  clothesclothes.N.M.PL downdown.ADV andand.CONJ clear.2PL.IMPERclear.V.2P.IMPER DETthe.DET.DEF bedroombedroom.N.SG
  "clothes down, and clear the bedroom!"

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