SIARAD - Fusser30
Instances of caeth

847MELtimod ddim yn un caeth caeth ond yn # dilyn RamadanCE <a &b> [/] a ballu .
  know.2Sknow.V.2S.PRES NEGnot.ADV+SM PRTPRT oneone.NUM strictcaptive.ADJ strictget.V.3S.PAST.[or].captive.ADJ butbut.CONJ PRTPRT follow.NONFINfollow.V.INFIN Ramadanname andand.CONJ andand.CONJ suchsuchlike.PRON
  you know, not a really strict one, but following Ramadan and...and so on
847MELtimod ddim yn un caeth caeth ond yn # dilyn RamadanCE <a &b> [/] a ballu .
  know.2Sknow.V.2S.PRES NEGnot.ADV+SM PRTPRT oneone.NUM strictcaptive.ADJ strictget.V.3S.PAST.[or].captive.ADJ butbut.CONJ PRTPRT follow.NONFINfollow.V.INFIN Ramadanname andand.CONJ andand.CONJ suchsuchlike.PRON
  you know, not a really strict one, but following Ramadan and...and so on

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The support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and the Welsh Government is gratefully acknowledged.