SIARAD - Davies15
Instances of cysylltu

500TEGti isio ffonio nhw # neu cysylltu nhw dy hun .
  PRON.2Syou.PRON.2S wantwant.N.M.SG phone.NONFINphone.V.INFIN PRON.3PLthey.PRON.3P oror.CONJ contact.NONFINlink.V.INFIN PRON.3PLthey.PRON.3P POSS.2Syour.ADJ.POSS.2S selfself.PRON.SG
  you want to phone them or contact them yourself
563NELmae isio fi wneud <fel umCE> [/] # erCE fel timod gwaith i (y)r cwmni fel gyrru holiaduron allan i bobl # pawb mae [//] sy (we)di [/] wedi cysylltu efo fo xx <fel bod fi (y)n gallu &r # deud> [///] # fel iddo [=? i gael] gweld be [//] # <os oedden nhw> [///] # timod xxx (y)r cwmni (we)di <trin nhw (y)n> [/] # trin nhw (y)n iawn a pethau [?] .
  be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES wantwant.N.M.SG PRON.1SI.PRON.1S+SM do.NONFINmake.V.INFIN+SM likelike.CONJ IMum.IM IMer.IM likelike.CONJ know.2Sknow.V.2S.PRES worktime.N.F.SG.[or].work.N.M.SG forto.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF companycompany.N.M.SG likelike.CONJ send.NONFINdrive.V.INFIN questionnairesquestionnaires.N.M.PL outout.ADV toto.PREP peoplepeople.N.F.SG+SM everybodyeveryone.PRON be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES be.PRES.RELbe.V.3S.PRES.REL PRT.PASTafter.PREP PRT.PASTafter.PREP contact.NONFINlink.V.INFIN withwith.PREP PRON.3SMhe.PRON.M.3S likelike.CONJ be.NONFINbe.V.INFIN PRON.1SI.PRON.1S+SM PRTPRT can.NONFINbe_able.V.INFIN say.NONFINsay.V.INFIN likelike.CONJ for.3SMto_him.PREP+PRON.M.3S see.NONFINsee.V.INFIN whatwhat.INT ifif.CONJ be.3PL.IMPbe.V.3P.IMPERF PRON.3PLthey.PRON.3P know.2Sknow.V.2S.PRES DETthe.DET.DEF companycompany.N.M.SG PRT.PASTafter.PREP treat.NONFINtreat.V.INFIN PRON.3PLthey.PRON.3P PRTPRT treat.NONFINtreat.V.INFIN PRON.3PLthey.PRON.3P PRTPRT rightOK.ADV andand.CONJ thingsthings.N.M.PL
  he wants me to do, like, like, you know, work for the company, like send out questionnaires to people, everybody that's contacted him so I can say...for him to see what...if know, [...] the company treated them...treated them right and so on

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The support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and the Welsh Government is gratefully acknowledged.