PATAGONIA - Patagonia5
Instances of gael

3ANAfydd raid i ni gael pianoCS i [/] i wneud o yn well .
  fyddbe.V.3S.FUT+SM raidnecessity.N.M.SG+SM ito.PREP niwe.PRON.1P gaelget.V.INFIN+SM pianopiano.N.M.SG ito.PREP ito.PREP wneudmake.V.INFIN+SM ohe.PRON.M.3S ynPRT wellbetter.ADJ.COMP+SM .
  we'll have to get a piano to do it better
26ANA+< am (.) iechyd dw i (we)di gael .
  amfor.PREP iechydhealth.N.M.SG dwbe.V.1S.PRES iI.PRON.1S wediafter.PREP gaelget.V.INFIN+SM .
  for the health I've had
36ANAac am y cyfle o gael sgwrs fach fel hyn .
  acand.CONJ amfor.PREP ythe.DET.DEF cyfleopportunity.N.M.SG oof.PREP gaelget.V.INFIN+SM sgwrschat.N.F.SG fachsmall.ADJ+SM fellike.CONJ hynthis.PRON.DEM.SP .
  and for the opportunity to have a little chat like this.
47ANAchaeson ni ddim y [//] yr uh cyfle mae plant nawr yn gael .
  chaesonget.V.1P.PAST+AM niwe.PRON.1P ddimnot.ADV+SM ythe.DET.DEF yrthe.DET.DEF uher.IM cyfleopportunity.N.M.SG maebe.V.3S.PRES plantchild.N.M.PL nawrnow.ADV ynPRT gaelget.V.INFIN+SM .
  we didn't have the opportunity that children now have
96GLOgofio [/] cofio gofyn i PamelaCS <er_mwyn> [/] uh er_mwyn iddi hi gael edrych fewn i +...
  gofioremember.V.INFIN+SM cofioremember.V.INFIN gofynask.V.INFIN ito.PREP Pamelaname er_mwynfor_the_sake_of.PREP uher.IM er_mwynfor_the_sake_of.PREP iddito_her.PREP+PRON.F.3S hishe.PRON.F.3S gaelget.V.INFIN+SM edrychlook.V.INFIN fewnin.PREP+SM ito.PREP .
  remember to ask Pamela so that she can look into...
158ANAa NitaCS wedi gwneud y geiriau yn y &s Sbaeneg i ni gael canu yn lle +/.
  aand.CONJ Nitaname wediafter.PREP gwneudmake.V.INFIN ythe.DET.DEF geiriauwords.N.M.PL ynin.PREP ythe.DET.DEF SbaenegSpanish.N.F.SG ito.PREP niwe.PRON.1P gaelget.V.INFIN+SM canusing.V.INFIN ynin.PREP llewhere.INT .
  and Nita had done the words in Spanish for us to sing, instead of...
246GLOpopeth i gael i [/] i fynd yn_de yn +...
  popetheverything.N.M.SG ito.PREP gaelget.V.INFIN+SM ito.PREP ito.PREP fyndgo.V.INFIN+SM yn_deisn't_it.IM ynPRT .
  everything available to go, isn't it, in...
268GLOi drio i gael gweld os <gawn ni allu yn> [?] rywle .
  ito.PREP driotry.V.INFIN+SM ito.PREP gaelget.V.INFIN+SM gweldsee.V.INFIN osif.CONJ gawnget.V.1P.PRES+SM niwe.PRON.1P allube_able.V.INFIN+SM ynin.PREP rywlesomewhere.N.M.SG+SM .
  to try and see if we can be able to somewhere
312ANAdyna ti beth oedden ni plant yn fodlon talu am eu gael nhw .
  dynathat_is.ADV tiyou.PRON.2S bethwhat.INT oeddenbe.V.1P.IMPERF niwe.PRON.1P plantchild.N.M.PL ynPRT fodloncontent.ADJ+SM talupay.V.INFIN amfor.PREP eutheir.ADJ.POSS.3P gaelget.V.INFIN+SM nhwthey.PRON.3P .
  that's what we children were willing to pay to have
322ANAia neu fydd gynnon ni ddim i gael erbyn fory .
  iayes.ADV neuor.CONJ fyddbe.V.3S.FUT+SM gynnonwith_us.PREP+PRON.1P niwe.PRON.1P ddimnot.ADV+SM.[or].nothing.N.M.SG+SM ito.PREP gaelget.V.INFIN+SM erbynby.PREP forytomorrow.ADV .
  yes, or else we'll have nothing left by tomorrow
363ANAa dw i ddim wedi gael [//] clywed xxx sôn am wyliau (.) mewn naw_deg o flynyddoedd !
  aand.CONJ dwbe.V.1S.PRES iI.PRON.1S ddimnot.ADV+SM wediafter.PREP gaelget.V.INFIN+SM clywedhear.V.INFIN sônmention.V.INFIN amfor.PREP wyliauholidays.N.F.PL+SM mewnin.PREP naw_degninety.NUM oof.PREP flynyddoeddyears.N.F.PL+SM !
  and I've not even heard of holidays, in ninety years!
390GLO+, drio gael lle bach mwy agos <dan ni> [?] mynd !
  driotry.V.INFIN+SM gaelget.V.INFIN+SM lleplace.N.M.SG bachsmall.ADJ mwymore.ADJ.COMP agosnear.ADJ danbe.V.1P.PRES niwe.PRON.1P myndgo.V.INFIN !
  ...try and find somewhere a little nearer and we'll go!
413GLOmae isio mynd ymhell iawn (.) i gael mynd i rywle ynde ?
  maebe.V.3S.PRES isiowant.N.M.SG myndgo.V.INFIN ymhellafar.ADV iawnOK.ADV ito.PREP gaelget.V.INFIN+SM myndgo.V.INFIN ito.PREP rywlesomewhere.N.M.SG+SM yndeisn't_it.IM ?
  you have to go very far away to get anywhere, don't you?
459ANAa gwneud yn fawr o (y)r fraint dan ni (y)n gael o fynd fel oedden ni (y)n deud yn y dechrau i lan y môr am dro .
  aand.CONJ gwneudmake.V.INFIN ynPRT fawrbig.ADJ+SM oof.PREP yrthe.DET.DEF fraintprivilege.N.MF.SG+SM danbe.V.1P.PRES niwe.PRON.1P ynPRT gaelget.V.INFIN+SM oof.PREP fyndgo.V.INFIN+SM fellike.CONJ oeddenbe.V.1P.IMPERF niwe.PRON.1P ynPRT deudsay.V.INFIN ynPRT ythe.DET.DEF dechraubeginning.N.M.SG ito.PREP lanshore.N.F.SG+SM ythe.DET.DEF môrsea.N.M.SG amfor.PREP droturn.N.M.SG+SM .
  and make the most of the privilege we have of going, as we were saying at the start, to the seaside, for a trip
593ANA+, i gael (..) y fraint o siarad .
  ito.PREP gaelget.V.INFIN+SM ythe.DET.DEF fraintprivilege.N.MF.SG+SM ohe.PRON.M.3S siaradtalk.V.INFIN .
  to have the privilege of speaking

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The support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and the Welsh Government is gratefully acknowledged.