PATAGONIA - Patagonia41
Instances of plant

21MAD<beth uh (.)> [/] beth uh diddorol iawn achos <mae (y)r um (.)> [/] mae (y)r plant eisiau anrhegion +...
  bethwhat.INT uher.IM bethwhat.INT uher.IM diddorolinteresting.ADJ iawnvery.ADV achosbecause.CONJ maebe.V.3S.PRES yrthe.DET.DEF umum.IM maebe.V.3S.PRES yrthe.DET.DEF plantchild.N.M.PL eisiauwant.N.M.SG anrhegionpresents.N.F.PL .
  a very interesting thing, because the children want presents...
155MAD+< +, plant [/] plant ni &=laugh .
  plantchild.N.M.PL plantchild.N.M.PL niwe.PRON.1P .
  our children.
155MAD+< +, plant [/] plant ni &=laugh .
  plantchild.N.M.PL plantchild.N.M.PL niwe.PRON.1P .
  our children.
170MADmaen nhw (y)n plant (.) o (..) o um (.) plant sy wedi &b uh (..) tynnu o (y)ma yn TrevelinCS noS ?
  maenbe.V.3P.PRES nhwthey.PRON.3P ynPRT plantchild.N.M.PL oof.PREP ohe.PRON.M.3S umum.IM plantchild.N.M.PL sybe.V.3S.PRES.REL wediafter.PREP uher.IM tynnudraw.V.INFIN ofrom.PREP ymahere.ADV ynin.PREP Trevelinname nonot.ADV ?
  they are children who have been brought up here in Trevelin, aren't they?
170MADmaen nhw (y)n plant (.) o (..) o um (.) plant sy wedi &b uh (..) tynnu o (y)ma yn TrevelinCS noS ?
  maenbe.V.3P.PRES nhwthey.PRON.3P ynPRT plantchild.N.M.PL oof.PREP ohe.PRON.M.3S umum.IM plantchild.N.M.PL sybe.V.3S.PRES.REL wediafter.PREP uher.IM tynnudraw.V.INFIN ofrom.PREP ymahere.ADV ynin.PREP Trevelinname nonot.ADV ?
  they are children who have been brought up here in Trevelin, aren't they?
173DOMplant efo gwreiddiau cantorion i_gyd wir (.) yndy &t &=laugh .
  plantchild.N.M.PL efowith.PREP gwreiddiauroots.N.M.PL cantorionsinger.N.M.PL i_gydall.ADJ wirtrue.ADJ+SM yndybe.V.3S.PRES.EMPH .
  children with singers' roots all of them, yes.
215MADum (..) a wedyn dan ni (y)n paratoi efo (y)r plant yr ysgol (...) uh <rhyw canu> [//] &iu rhyw cân (.) yn yr um (.) graig (.) uh +/.
  umum.IM aand.CONJ wedynafterwards.ADV danbe.V.1P.PRES niwe.PRON.1P ynPRT paratoiprepare.V.INFIN efowith.PREP yrthe.DET.DEF plantchild.N.M.PL yrthe.DET.DEF ysgolschool.N.F.SG uher.IM rhywsome.PREQ canusing.V.INFIN rhywsome.PREQ cânsong.N.F.SG ynin.PREP yrthe.DET.DEF umum.IM graigrock.N.F.PL+SM uher.IM .
  and then we are preparing with the school children to sing a song on the rock...
218MADa mae AgustínCS wedi gofyn <i ni (.)> [//] i (y)r plant i ganu .
  aand.CONJ maebe.V.3S.PRES Agustínname wediafter.PREP gofynask.V.INFIN ito.PREP niwe.PRON.1P ito.PREP yrthe.DET.DEF plantchild.N.M.PL ito.PREP ganusing.V.INFIN+SM .
  and Agustín has asked the children to sing.
221MAD+, y plant .
  ythe.DET.DEF plantchild.N.M.PL .
  ...the children.

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The support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and the Welsh Government is gratefully acknowledged.