PATAGONIA - Patagonia41
Instances of bechgyn

149DOMy bechgyn (y)ma .
  ythe.DET.DEF bechgynboys.N.M.PL ymahere.ADV .
  these boys.
150MADbechgyn <sut uh (..)> [/] sut mae o (y)n galw (y)r &ge grŵp yna ?
  bechgynboys.N.M.PL suthow.INT uher.IM suthow.INT maebe.V.3S.PRES ohe.PRON.M.3S ynPRT galwcall.V.INFIN yrthe.DET.DEF grŵpgroup.N.M.SG ynathere.ADV ?
  boys, what does he call that group?

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The support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and the Welsh Government is gratefully acknowledged.