PATAGONIA - Patagonia39
Instances of llall

1LIAa wedyn mae llall (w)edi (.) der(byn) [//] cael ei derbyn yn periodistaS .
  aand.CONJ wedynafterwards.ADV maebe.V.3S.PRES llallother.PRON wediafter.PREP derbynreceive.V.INFIN.[or].accept.V.INFIN caelget.V.INFIN eihis.ADJ.POSS.M.3S derbynreceive.V.INFIN.[or].accept.V.INFIN ynPRT periodistajournalist.N.M .
  and the other has been accepted as a journalist.
1378LIAxxx cwrdd bobl ifanc a hwn a llall .
  cwrddmeeting.N.M.SG.[or].meet.V.INFIN boblpeople.N.F.SG+SM ifancyoung.ADJ aand.CONJ hwnthis.PRON.DEM.M.SG aand.CONJ llallother.PRON .
  [...] meeting young people, and this and that.

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