PATAGONIA - Patagonia34
Instances of gwneud

384CYNohCS (.) rhaid gwneud lle i nhw (.) a mynd â tois a pethau felly i (y)r babis (.) chwarae a bod yn (.) dawel ac (.) ymlacio .
  ohoh.IM rhaidnecessity.N.M.SG gwneudmake.V.INFIN lleplace.N.M.SG ito.PREP nhwthey.PRON.3P aand.CONJ myndgo.V.INFIN âwith.PREP toisroof.V.1S.PAST aand.CONJ pethauthings.N.M.PL fellyso.ADV ito.PREP yrthe.DET.DEF babisbaby.N.M.SG chwaraeplay.V.INFIN aand.CONJ bodbe.V.INFIN ynPRT dawelquiet.ADJ+SM acand.CONJ ymlaciorelax.V.INFIN .
  aw, have to make room for them and take toys and things like that for the babies to play and be quiet and relax

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