PATAGONIA - Patagonia31
Instances of pethau

3CZAhwyrach bod ni (we)di ffwndro (y)r diwrnod ni efo diwrnod oedd (.) TomosCS wedi marw a pethau fel (y)na .
  hwyrachperhaps.ADV bodbe.V.INFIN niwe.PRON.1P wediafter.PREP ffwndrobewilder.V.INFIN yrthe.DET.DEF diwrnodday.N.M.SG niwe.PRON.1P efowith.PREP diwrnodday.N.M.SG oeddbe.V.3S.IMPERF Tomosname wediafter.PREP marwdie.V.INFIN aand.CONJ pethauthings.N.M.PL fellike.CONJ ynathere.ADV .
  we might have mixed up our day with the day Tomos died, and things like that.
25CZA+< pobl a pethau felly .
  poblpeople.N.F.SG aand.CONJ pethauthings.N.M.PL fellyso.ADV .
  people and things like that.
336SOFmae (y)r ddynes yn tynnu <efo (y)r> [//] welaist ti efo (y)r uh (..) pethau bach (y)na .
  maebe.V.3S.PRES yrthe.DET.DEF ddyneswoman.N.F.SG+SM ynPRT tynnudraw.V.INFIN efowith.PREP yrthat.PRON.REL welaistsee.V.2S.PAST+SM tiyou.PRON.2S efowith.PREP yrthe.DET.DEF uher.IM pethauthings.N.M.PL bachsmall.ADJ ynathere.ADV .
  the lady pulls with the... you know, with those little things.
552CZApan wnaeson ni fynd â (.) â BrynCS (.) wnaeson ni (.) heibio fan (y)na lle oeddet ti (y)n deud bod nhw (y)n gwerthu pethau drud [?] .
  panwhen.CONJ wnaesondo.V.1P.PAST+SM niwe.PRON.1P fyndgo.V.INFIN+SM âwith.PREP âwith.PREP Brynname wnaesondo.V.1P.PAST+SM niwe.PRON.1P heibiopast.PREP fanplace.N.MF.SG+SM ynathere.ADV llewhere.INT oeddetbe.V.2S.IMPERF tiyou.PRON.2S ynPRT deudsay.V.INFIN bodbe.V.INFIN nhwthey.PRON.3P ynPRT gwerthusell.V.INFIN pethauthings.N.M.PL drudexpensive.ADJ .
  when we took Bryn, we passed where you'd said they sell expensive stuff.
606SOF+< cnau yn pethau da .
  cnaunuts.N.F.PL ynPRT pethauthings.N.M.PL dagood.ADJ .
  nuts are good.
813SOF<cofio pan o(edde)n> [?] ni (y)n fach <oedden ni (y)n lic(io)> [//] pan (ba)sen ni (y)n cerdded a pethau wyt ti (y)n cofio ?
  cofioremember.V.INFIN panwhen.CONJ oeddenbe.V.1P.IMPERF niwe.PRON.1P ynPRT fachsmall.ADJ+SM oeddenbe.V.1P.IMPERF niwe.PRON.1P ynPRT liciolike.V.INFIN panwhen.CONJ basenbe.V.1P.PLUPERF niwe.PRON.1P ynPRT cerddedwalk.V.INFIN aand.CONJ pethauthings.N.M.PL wytbe.V.2S.PRES tiyou.PRON.2S ynPRT cofioremember.V.INFIN ?
  remember when we were little we liked to... when we walked and stuff, remember?
867SOFwrth_gwrs mae (y)r (..) teledu (y)n dangos (.) y pethau (.) gwaethaf .
  wrth_gwrsof_course.ADV maebe.V.3S.PRES yrthe.DET.DEF teledutelevision.N.M.SG ynPRT dangosshow.V.INFIN ythe.DET.DEF pethauthings.N.M.PL gwaethafworst.ADJ.SUP .
  of course the TV shows the worst things.

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The support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and the Welsh Government is gratefully acknowledged.