PATAGONIA - Patagonia31
Instances of dy

90SOF+" pwy fodryb chwaer i dy fam ?
  pwywho.PRON fodrybaunt.N.F.SG+SM chwaersister.N.F.SG ito.PREP dyyour.ADJ.POSS.2S fammother.N.F.SG+SM ?
  which aunt, your mother's sister?
217CZA+" lle mae dy fam (a)m bod fi (ddi)m yn gweld hi rŵan ?
  llewhere.INT maebe.V.3S.PRES dyyour.ADJ.POSS.2S fammother.N.F.SG+SM amfor.PREP bodbe.V.INFIN fiI.PRON.1S+SM ddimnot.ADV+SM ynPRT gweldsee.V.INFIN hishe.PRON.F.3S rŵannow.ADV ?
  where's your mother because I don't see her now?
422CZA(ba)sen ni (ddi)m gallu gadael dy xxx hunan [?] na (ba)sen ?
  basenbe.V.1P.PLUPERF niwe.PRON.1P ddimnot.ADV+SM gallube_able.V.INFIN gadaelleave.V.INFIN dyyour.ADJ.POSS.2S hunanself.PRON.SG naPRT.NEG basenbe.V.13P.PLUPERF ?
  we wouldn't be able to leave your [...] on its own, would we?
898CZAoeddet ti (y)n (.) agor y ffenestri (y)r (..) y car a (.) llenwi efo sand fewn trwy dy (.) geg a glustiau a cwbl .
  oeddetbe.V.2S.IMPERF tiyou.PRON.2S ynPRT agoropen.V.INFIN ythe.DET.DEF ffenestriwindows.N.F.PL yrthe.DET.DEF ythe.DET.DEF carcar.N.M.SG aand.CONJ llenwifill.V.INFIN efowith.PREP sandsand.N.M.SG fewnin.PREP+SM trwythrough.PREP dyyour.ADJ.POSS.2S gegmouth.N.F.SG+SM aand.CONJ glustiauears.N.MF.PL+SM aand.CONJ cwblall.ADJ .
  you opened the car windows and filled with sand, into your mouth and ears and everything.

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The support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and the Welsh Government is gratefully acknowledged.