PATAGONIA - Patagonia30
Instances of brynu

1244REBdw i (we)di brynu fo bore (y)ma .
  dwbe.V.1S.PRES iI.PRON.1S wediafter.PREP brynubuy.V.INFIN+SM fohe.PRON.M.3S boremorning.N.M.SG ymahere.ADV .
  I've bought it this morning.
1273REBa hwyrach mi wna i brynu <yn y> [/] yn y TorinesaCS (y)chydig bach o (.) ensaladaS rusaS .
  aand.CONJ hwyrachperhaps.ADV miPRT.AFF wnado.V.1S.PRES+SM iI.PRON.1S brynubuy.V.INFIN+SM ynin.PREP ythe.DET.DEF ynin.PREP ythe.DET.DEF Torinesaname ychydiga_little.QUAN bachsmall.ADJ oof.PREP ensaladasalad.N.F.SG rusarussian.ADJ.F.SG .
  and maybe I'll buy some russian salad in the Torinesa [?]

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