PATAGONIA - Patagonia30
Instances of â

16MAG+" ohCS mae MariCS (we)di mynd â golwg hen arni (he)fyd .
  ohoh.IM maebe.V.3S.PRES Mariname wediafter.PREP myndgo.V.INFIN âwith.PREP golwgview.N.F.SG henold.ADJ arnion_her.PREP+PRON.F.3S hefydalso.ADV .
  oh Mari looks old as well.
34MAGmae hi (we)di mynd â bopeth draw i ComodoroCS .
  maebe.V.3S.PRES hishe.PRON.F.3S wediafter.PREP myndgo.V.INFIN âwith.PREP bopetheverything.N.M.SG+SM drawyonder.ADV ito.PREP Comodoroname .
  she's taken everything over to Comodoro.
36REBahCS mae hi wedi mynd â popeth ?
  ahah.IM maebe.V.3S.PRES hishe.PRON.F.3S wediafter.PREP myndgo.V.INFIN âwith.PREP popetheverything.N.M.SG ?
  she's taken everything?
55REB(dy)na fo mae hi wedi mynd â hi .
  dynathat_is.ADV fohe.PRON.M.3S maebe.V.3S.PRES hishe.PRON.F.3S wediafter.PREP myndgo.V.INFIN âwith.PREP hishe.PRON.F.3S .
  that's it, she's taken her.
68MAG+< (dy)dy GwenCS ddim wedi arfer â pethau fel (yn)a (.) &=laugh .
  dydybe.V.3S.PRES.NEG Gwenname ddimnot.ADV+SM.[or].nothing.N.M.SG+SM wediafter.PREP arferuse.V.INFIN âwith.PREP pethauthings.N.M.PL fellike.CONJ ynathere.ADV .
  Gwen isn't used to things like that.
70REB+< noS ddim wedi arfer â pethau felly .
  nonot.ADV ddimnot.ADV+SM.[or].nothing.N.M.SG+SM wediafter.PREP arferuse.V.INFIN âwith.PREP pethauthings.N.M.PL fellyso.ADV .
  no not used to things like that.
97MAGohCS paid â deud .
  ohoh.IM paidstop.V.2S.IMPER âwith.PREP deudsay.V.INFIN .
  oh you don't say.
136MAGpaid â deud .
  paidstop.V.2S.IMPER âwith.PREP deudsay.V.INFIN .
  you don't say.
169REB+< ti wedi mynd â fo i (y)r uh +...
  tiyou.PRON.2S wediafter.PREP myndgo.V.INFIN âwith.PREP fohe.PRON.M.3S ito.PREP yrthe.DET.DEF uher.IM .
  did you take it to the, er...
176MAG&θ ohCS mae (y)n mynd â gymaint o amser .
  ohoh.IM maebe.V.3S.PRES ynPRT myndgo.V.INFIN âwith.PREP gymaintso much.ADJ+SM oof.PREP amsertime.N.M.SG .
  oh it takes so much time.
201REB(ba)swn i (we)di gallu dod â ti .
  baswnbe.V.1S.PLUPERF iI.PRON.1S wediafter.PREP gallube_able.V.INFIN dodcome.V.INFIN âwith.PREP tiyou.PRON.2S .
  I could've given you a lift.
209MAGmi aeth o â fi .
  miPRT.AFF aethgo.V.3S.PAST ohe.PRON.M.3S âwith.PREP fiI.PRON.1S+SM .
  he took me.
235MAGa wedyn uh (.) mynd â hi i (y)r clínicaS .
  aand.CONJ wedynafterwards.ADV uher.IM myndgo.V.INFIN âwith.PREP hishe.PRON.F.3S ito.PREP yrthe.DET.DEF clínicaclinic.N.F.SG .
  and then, er, it took her to the clinic.
253REB+, â rywbeth ar ei chefn yn_does ?
  âwith.PREP rywbethsomething.N.M.SG+SM aron.PREP eiher.ADJ.POSS.F.3S chefnback.N.M.SG+AM yn_doesbe.V.3S.PRES.INDEF.TAG ?
  ...has a problem with her back, doesn't she?
480MAG+< ohCS paid â deud .
  ohoh.IM paidstop.V.2S.IMPER âwith.PREP deudsay.V.INFIN .
  oh, you don't say.
492MAGmae o wedi mynd â golwg hen arno (he)fyd .
  maebe.V.3S.PRES ohe.PRON.M.3S wediafter.PREP myndgo.V.INFIN âwith.PREP golwgview.N.F.SG henold.ADJ arnoon_him.PREP+PRON.M.3S hefydalso.ADV .
  he's started to look old too.
551REBohCS dw i â awydd ia .
  ohoh.IM dwbe.V.1S.PRES iI.PRON.1S âwith.PREP awydddesire.N.M.SG iayes.ADV .
  oh, I want to yes.
578REBpaid â meddwl am dosS semanasS .
  paidstop.V.2S.IMPER âwith.PREP meddwlthink.V.INFIN amfor.PREP dostwo.NUM semanasweek.N.F.PL .
  don't think about two weeks.
688REB+< a mae (y)n gorfod wneud rywbeth â +...
  aand.CONJ maebe.V.3S.PRES ynPRT gorfodhave_to.V.INFIN wneudmake.V.INFIN+SM rywbethsomething.N.M.SG+SM âwith.PREP .
  and she has to do something with...
692REBdod â ryw bapurau iddi a ddim deud dim_byd .
  dodcome.V.INFIN âwith.PREP rywsome.PREQ+SM bapuraupapers.N.M.PL+SM iddito_her.PREP+PRON.F.3S aand.CONJ ddimnot.ADV+SM deudsay.V.INFIN dim_bydnothing.ADV .
  she brought her some papers and said nothing.
773REBwel (y)r un oed â EirianCS .
  welwell.IM yrthe.DET.DEF unone.NUM oedage.N.M.SG âwith.PREP Eirianname .
  well, the same age as Eirian.
775MAG+< ahCS (y)r un oed â fi felly .
  ahah.IM yrthe.DET.DEF unone.NUM oedage.N.M.SG âas.CONJ fiI.PRON.1S+SM fellyso.ADV .
  ah, the same age as me, then.
810REB+< ond rŵan o(eddw)n i jyst â ddim nabod hi ehCS ?
  ondbut.CONJ rŵannow.ADV oeddwnbe.V.1S.IMPERF iI.PRON.1S jystjust.ADV âwith.PREP ddimnot.ADV+SM nabodknow_someone.V.INFIN hishe.PRON.F.3S eheh.IM ?
  but now I almost didn't recognize her, eh?
860REBa oedd hi (y)n deud oedd y ferch (y)ma â &m (.) efeilliaid .
  aand.CONJ oeddbe.V.3S.IMPERF hishe.PRON.F.3S ynPRT deudsay.V.INFIN oeddbe.V.3S.IMPERF ythe.DET.DEF ferchgirl.N.F.SG+SM ymahere.ADV âwith.PREP efeilliaidtwin.N.M.PL+SM .
  and she said this girl had twins.
886MAGohCS methu lân â cofio rŵan .
  ohoh.IM methufail.V.INFIN lânclean.ADJ+SM âwith.PREP cofioremember.V.INFIN rŵannow.ADV .
  oh I can't remember at all now.
971MAG+< a wedyn mi [/] mi aeth â fi at y gimnasioS .
  aand.CONJ wedynafterwards.ADV miPRT.AFF miPRT.AFF aethgo.V.3S.PAST âwith.PREP fiI.PRON.1S+SM atto.PREP ythe.DET.DEF gimnasiogymnasium.N.M.SG .
  and then he took me to the gym.
1036MAGohCS mi aeth â fi i (y)r polîs .
  ohoh.IM miPRT.AFF aethgo.V.3S.PAST âwith.PREP fiI.PRON.1S+SM ito.PREP yrthe.DET.DEF polîspolice.N.M.SG .
  oh she took me to the police.
1037MAGmi aeth â fi i (y)r lle o (y)r insiwr(ans) +/.
  miPRT.AFF aethgo.V.3S.PAST âwith.PREP fiI.PRON.1S+SM ito.PREP yrthe.DET.DEF lleplace.N.M.SG oof.PREP yrthe.DET.DEF insiwransinsurance.N.M.SG .
  she took me to the insurance place...
1045MAG+< a wedyn mi ddôth â fi adre i fan hyn welaist ti ?
  aand.CONJ wedynafterwards.ADV miPRT.AFF ddôthcome.V.3S.PAST+SM âwith.PREP fiI.PRON.1S+SM adrehome.ADV ito.PREP fanplace.N.MF.SG+SM hynthis.ADJ.DEM.SP welaistsee.V.2S.PAST+SM tiyou.PRON.2S ?
  then she brought me home here, you see?
1099REB+< ond LindaCS ddim â (a)mynedd i ddysgu .
  ondbut.CONJ Lindaname ddimnot.ADV+SM.[or].nothing.N.M.SG+SM âwith.PREP amyneddpatience.N.M.SG ito.PREP ddysguteach.V.INFIN+SM .
  but Linda didn't have the patience to teach him.
1109REB(y)r un peth â dan ni efo (y)r Saesneg .
  yrthe.DET.DEF unone.NUM peththing.N.M.SG âwith.PREP danbe.V.1P.PRES niwe.PRON.1P efowith.PREP yrthe.DET.DEF SaesnegEnglish.N.F.SG .
  the same as we are with English.
1110MAG+< (y)r un peth â +//.
  yrthe.DET.DEF unone.NUM peththing.N.M.SG âwith.PREP .
  the same as...
1149REB(ba)set ti (y)n gallu mynd i (y)r un dosbarth â CatiCS hwyrach i gael sgwrsio efo (y)r dyn (y)ma .
  basetbe.V.2S.PLUPERF tiyou.PRON.2S ynPRT gallube_able.V.INFIN myndgo.V.INFIN ito.PREP yrthe.DET.DEF unone.NUM dosbarthclass.N.M.SG âwith.PREP Catiname hwyrachperhaps.ADV ito.PREP gaelget.V.INFIN+SM sgwrsiochat.V.INFIN efowith.PREP yrthe.DET.DEF dynman.N.M.SG ymahere.ADV .
  you could go to the same class as Cati maybe to chat with this man.
1186MAGa dw i (we)di mynd â hi .
  aand.CONJ dwbe.V.1S.PRES iI.PRON.1S wediafter.PREP myndgo.V.INFIN âwith.PREP hishe.PRON.F.3S .
  and I've taken it.
1187REB+< mynd â hi ?
  myndgo.V.INFIN âwith.PREP hishe.PRON.F.3S ?
  taken it.
1192REB+< ond uh dw i ddim mynd â teisen .
  ondbut.CONJ uher.IM dwbe.V.1S.PRES iI.PRON.1S ddimnot.ADV+SM myndgo.V.INFIN âwith.PREP teisencake.N.F.SG .
  but I'm not taking a cake.
1198REB+" wnei ti ddod â rywbeth xxx saladoS ?
  wneido.V.2S.PRES+SM tiyou.PRON.2S ddodcome.V.INFIN+SM âwith.PREP rywbethsomething.N.M.SG+SM saladosalty.ADJ.M.SG ?
  will you bring something [...] savoury?
1206REB+" oes dim isio mynd â (di)m_byd (.) postreS .
  oesbe.V.3S.PRES.INDEF dimnot.ADV isiowant.N.M.SG myndgo.V.INFIN âwith.PREP dim_bydnothing.ADV postredessert.N.M.SG .
  there's no need to take any dessert.
1215REB+" dw i mynd i ddod â ryw deisen hefyd .
  dwbe.V.1S.PRES iI.PRON.1S myndgo.V.INFIN ito.PREP ddodcome.V.INFIN+SM âwith.PREP rywsome.PREQ+SM deisencake.N.F.SG+SM hefydalso.ADV .
  I'm going to bring a cake too.
1223MAGond wrth bod nhw ddim wedi sefyll dw i (y)n mynd i fynd â rheini .
  ondbut.CONJ wrthby.PREP bodbe.V.INFIN nhwthey.PRON.3P ddimnot.ADV+SM.[or].nothing.N.M.SG+SM wediafter.PREP sefyllstand.V.INFIN dwbe.V.1S.PRES iI.PRON.1S ynPRT myndgo.V.INFIN ito.PREP fyndgo.V.INFIN+SM âwith.PREP rheinithose.PRON .
  but since they didn't stay, I'm going to take those.
1243REBdw i (y)n mynd â polloS .
  dwbe.V.1S.PRES iI.PRON.1S ynPRT myndgo.V.INFIN âwith.PREP pollochicken.N.M.SG .
  I'm taking a chicken.
1259REB+< wnes i ddod â fo a tynnu (y)r papur .
  wnesdo.V.1S.PAST+SM iI.PRON.1S ddodcome.V.INFIN+SM âwith.PREP fohe.PRON.M.3S aand.CONJ tynnudraw.V.INFIN yrthe.DET.DEF papurpaper.N.M.SG .
  I brought it and took off the paper.
1267REBmynd â fo .
  myndgo.V.INFIN âwith.PREP fohe.PRON.M.3S .
  take it.
1388REB+< ahCS (y)r un peth â EmilyCS .
  ahah.IM yrthe.DET.DEF unone.NUM peththing.N.M.SG âwith.PREP Emilyname .
  ah the same as Emily.
1470REBneu mynd â nhw i ryw barc .
  neuor.CONJ myndgo.V.INFIN âwith.PREP nhwthey.PRON.3P ito.PREP rywsome.PREQ+SM barcpark.N.M.SG+SM .
  or take them to some park.
1528REBmae o â awydd (.) ie &m jyst cael rywbeth felly .
  maebe.V.3S.PRES ohe.PRON.M.3S âwith.PREP awydddesire.N.M.SG ieyes.ADV jystjust.ADV caelget.V.INFIN rywbethsomething.N.M.SG+SM fellyso.ADV .
  he wants to, yes, just get something like that.
1530REB+< bod o (y)n gallu (.) dod â ffrind adra .
  bodbe.V.INFIN ohe.PRON.M.3S ynPRT gallube_able.V.INFIN dodcome.V.INFIN âwith.PREP ffrindfriend.N.M.SG adrahomewards.ADV .
  so he can bring home friends.
1531REBa bod o (y)n siarad (.) (y)r un peth â fo .
  aand.CONJ bodbe.V.INFIN ohe.PRON.M.3S ynPRT siaradtalk.V.INFIN yrthe.DET.DEF unone.NUM peththing.N.M.SG âas.CONJ fohe.PRON.M.3S .
  and that he speaks the same as him.
1614MAGachos mae [/] mae &e Maria_RochaCS (y)n mynd â bwyd iddi hi welaist ti ?
  achosbecause.CONJ maebe.V.3S.PRES maebe.V.3S.PRES Maria_Rochaname ynPRT myndgo.V.INFIN âwith.PREP bwydfood.N.M.SG iddito_her.PREP+PRON.F.3S hishe.PRON.F.3S welaistsee.V.2S.PAST+SM tiyou.PRON.2S ?
  because Maria Rocha takes her food, you see?
1684MAGcael rhywun i fynd â hi a (phe)thau felly ia .
  caelget.V.INFIN rhywunsomeone.N.M.SG ito.PREP fyndgo.V.INFIN+SM âwith.PREP hishe.PRON.F.3S aand.CONJ phethauthings.N.M.PL+AM fellyso.ADV iayes.ADV .
  getting somebody to take her and things like that.
1721REBohCS raid ti meddwl (he)fyd uh (.) pwy sydd â arian rŵan i [/] i ddod â côr .
  ohoh.IM raidnecessity.N.M.SG+SM tiyou.PRON.2S meddwlthink.V.INFIN hefydalso.ADV uher.IM pwywho.PRON syddbe.V.3S.PRES.REL âwith.PREP arianmoney.N.M.SG rŵannow.ADV ito.PREP ito.PREP ddodcome.V.INFIN+SM âwith.PREP côrchoir.N.M.SG .
  you have to wonder who has money to bring a choir.
1721REBohCS raid ti meddwl (he)fyd uh (.) pwy sydd â arian rŵan i [/] i ddod â côr .
  ohoh.IM raidnecessity.N.M.SG+SM tiyou.PRON.2S meddwlthink.V.INFIN hefydalso.ADV uher.IM pwywho.PRON syddbe.V.3S.PRES.REL âwith.PREP arianmoney.N.M.SG rŵannow.ADV ito.PREP ito.PREP ddodcome.V.INFIN+SM âwith.PREP côrchoir.N.M.SG .
  you have to wonder who has money to bring a choir.
1757MAGohCS paid â deud .
  ohoh.IM paidstop.V.2S.IMPER âwith.PREP deudsay.V.INFIN .
  oh, you don't say.

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The support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and the Welsh Government is gratefully acknowledged.