PATAGONIA - Patagonia16
Instances of pan

863MOL<pan o(edde)n> [?] ni wedi prynu (y)r tŷ yr um &=dental_click cartelS oedd o +...
  panwhen.CONJ oeddenbe.V.1P.IMPERF niwe.PRON.1P wediafter.PREP prynubuy.V.INFIN yrthe.DET.DEF house.N.M.SG yrthe.DET.DEF umum.IM cartelposter.N.M.SG oeddbe.V.3S.IMPERF ohe.PRON.M.3S .
  when we had bought the house, it was a cartel...
1017MOLmae [/] mae (y)r tad fi oedd uh pa(n) [/] pan yn [?] gwyllt yn deud uh bitchE ["] .
  maebe.V.3S.PRES maebe.V.3S.PRES yrthe.DET.DEF tadfather.N.M.SG fiI.PRON.1S+SM oeddbe.V.3S.IMPERF uher.IM panwhen.CONJ panwhen.CONJ ynPRT gwylltwild.ADJ ynPRT deudsay.V.INFIN uher.IM bitchbitch.N.SG .
  when my dad was angry he would say bitch.
1017MOLmae [/] mae (y)r tad fi oedd uh pa(n) [/] pan yn [?] gwyllt yn deud uh bitchE ["] .
  maebe.V.3S.PRES maebe.V.3S.PRES yrthe.DET.DEF tadfather.N.M.SG fiI.PRON.1S+SM oeddbe.V.3S.IMPERF uher.IM panwhen.CONJ panwhen.CONJ ynPRT gwylltwild.ADJ ynPRT deudsay.V.INFIN uher.IM bitchbitch.N.SG .
  when my dad was angry he would say bitch.

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