MIAMI - Sastre7
Instances of nasty

752JULthat nasty shit he used to tell us that he hadn't wash his hair for six months .
  thatthat.DEM.FAR nastynasty.ADJ shitshit.SV.INFIN hehe.PRON.SUB.M.3S useduse.V.PAST toto.PREP telltell.V.INFIN usus.PRON.OBJ.1P thatthat.CONJ hehe.PRON.SUB.M.3S hadn'thad.V.PAST+NEG washwash.SV.INFIN hishis.ADJ.POSS.M.3S hairhair.N.SG forfor.PREP sixsix.NUM monthsmonth.N.PL .
754JULyeah gross nasty [=! laughs] .
  yeahyeah.ADV grossgross.ADJ nastynasty.ADJ .

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