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Siarad, robert8: STN word frequency

Words with language tag: cym (707)

ia (yes.ADV) [36], yeah (unk) [26], oedd (be.V.3S.IMPERF) [23], yn (PRT) [17], i (to.PREP) [16], i (I.PRON.1S) [15], a (and.CONJ) [14], o (he.PRON.M.3S) [14], y (the.DET.DEF) [14], de (be.IM+SM) [13], mae (be.V.3S.PRES) [13], yna (there.ADV) [13], yr (the.DET.DEF) [13], oh (oh.IM) [12], nhw (they.PRON.3P) [10], ni (we.PRON.1P) [9], tad (father.N.M.SG) [9], ddim (not.ADV+SM) [8], yn (PRT.[or].in.PREP) [8], mynd (go.V.INFIN) [7], am (for.PREP) [6], gael (get.V.INFIN+SM) [6], te (be.IM) [6], ydy (be.V.3S.PRES) [6], yn (in.PREP) [6], deud (say.V.INFIN) [5], dyna (that_is.ADV) [5], neu (or.CONJ) [5], pedair (four.NUM.F) [5], te (tea.N.M.SG) [5], be (what.INT) [4], blynedd (years.N.F.PL) [4], cael (get.V.INFIN) [4], gyn (with.PREP) [4], mi (PRT.AFF) [4], o'n (be.V.1S.IMPERF) [4], un (one.NUM) [4], wchi (know.V.2P.PRES) [4], wedi (after.PREP) [4], ylwch (you_know.IM) [4], ar (on.PREP) [3], bydd (be.V.3S.FUT) [3], diawl (unk) [3], diwedd (end.N.M.SG) [3], drwg (bad.ADJ) [3], dydd (day.N.M.SG) [3], ei (his.ADJ.POSS.M.3S) [3], fo (he.PRON.M.3S) [3], fuodd (be.V.3S.PAST+SM) [3], fynd (go.V.INFIN+SM) [3], na (no.ADV) [3], nag (than.CONJ) [3], o (of.PREP) [3], pres (money.N.M.SG) [3], sy (be.V.3S.PRES.REL) [3], toedd (unk) [3], wedyn (afterwards.ADV) [3], yma (here.ADV) [3], yndy (be.V.3S.PRES.EMPH) [3], Amlwch (name) [2], Anwen (name) [2], arglwydd (lord.N.M.SG) [2], arna (on_me.PREP+PRON.1S) [2], bach (small.ADJ) [2], basai (be.V.3S.PLUPERF) [2], bob (each.PREQ+SM) [2], Bull (name) [2], Cabin (name) [2], Casablanca (name) [2], chi (you.PRON.2P) [2], chlywais (hear.V.1S.PAST+AM) [2], cnoi (chew.V.INFIN) [2], ddim_byd (nothing.ADV+SM) [2], dim (not.ADV) [2], doedd (be.V.3S.IMPERF.NEG) [2], dŵad (come.V.INFIN) [2], farw (die.V.INFIN+SM) [2], fedr (skill.N.M.SG+SM.[or].be_able.V.3S.PRES+SM) [2], fedra (be_able.V.1S.PRES+SM) [2], fi (I.PRON.1S+SM) [2], fwya (biggest.ADJ.SUP+SM) [2], fydd (be.V.3S.FUT+SM) [2], fyddan (be.V.3P.FUT+SM) [2], gweithio (work.V.INFIN) [2], hanes (story.N.M.SG) [2], hen (old.ADJ) [2], hogan (girl.N.F.SG) [2], hogiau (lads.N.M.PL) [2], hwn (this.PRON.DEM.M.SG) [2], hynny (that.PRON.DEM.SP) [2], mond (bond.N.M.SG+NM) [2], mopio (mope.V.INFIN) [2], nac (PRT.NEG) [2], Nerys (name) [2], nhad (father.N.M.SG+NM) [2], oedden (be.V.3P.IMPERF) [2], pam (why?.ADV) [2], peth (thing.N.M.SG) [2], pwy (who.PRON) [2], smocio (smoke.V.INFIN) [2], Sul (Sunday.N.M.SG) [2], tan (until.PREP) [2], Washi_Bach (name) [2], yli (you_know.IM) [2], â (with.PREP) [1], ac (and.CONJ) [1], adeg (time.N.F.SG) [1], adre (home.ADV) [1], aethon (go.V.3P.PAST) [1], allan (out.ADV) [1], amser (time.N.M.SG) [1], annwyl (dear.ADJ) [1], arall (other.ADJ) [1], ardd (garden.N.F.SG+SM) [1], argoel (omen.N.F.SG) [1], ar_ôl (after.PREP) [1], Arthur (name) [1], baco (unk) [1], balog (unk) [1], baswn (be.V.1S.PLUPERF) [1], ben (head.N.M.SG+SM) [1], bendant (definite.ADJ+SM) [1], Blue_Bell (name) [1], botel (bottle.N.F.SG+SM) [1], bydd (be.V.2S.IMPER.[or].be.V.3S.FUT) [1], byddwch (be.V.2P.FUT) [1], byw (live.V.INFIN) [1], California (name) [1], cân (song.N.F.SG) [1], cân (song.N.F.SG.[or].sing.V.3S.PRES) [1], cân (song.N.F.SG.[or].sing.V.2S.IMPER.[or].sing.V.3S.PRES) [1], cau (close.V.INFIN) [1], Cemaes (name) [1], chdi (you.PRON.2S) [1], chwech (six.NUM) [1], chwilio (search.V.INFIN) [1], claddu (bury.V.INFIN) [1], Crossfield (name) [1], cymryd (take.V.INFIN) [1], da (be.IM+SM) [1], dan (be.V.1P.PRES) [1], dda (good.ADJ+SM) [1], ddannoedd (unk) [1], ddiawl (unk) [1], ddim (nothing.N.M.SG+SM.[or].not.ADV+SM) [1], Dduw (name) [1], de (south.N.M.SG.[or].right.N.M.SG) [1], debyg (similar.ADJ+SM) [1], deg (ten.NUM) [1], dew (fat.ADJ+SM) [1], disgwyl (expect.V.2S.IMPER) [1], do (come.V.1S.PRES.[or].yes.ADV.PAST.[or].roof.N.M.SG+SM) [1], does (be.V.3S.PRES.INDEF.NEG) [1], drws (door.N.M.SG) [1], dw (be.V.1S.PRES) [1], dynnu (draw.V.INFIN+SM) [1], effeithiodd (effect.V.3S.PAST) [1], enaid (soul.N.M.SG) [1], enw (name.N.M.SG) [1], erioed (never.ADV) [1], ers (since.PREP) [1], ers_talwm (for_some_time.ADV) [1], esgob (bishop.N.M.SG) [1], eu (their.ADJ.POSS.3P) [1], ew (oh.IM) [1], fan (place.N.MF.SG+SM) [1], fe (PRT.AFF) [1], felly (so.ADV) [1], fuais (unk) [1], fy (my.ADJ.POSS.1S) [1], fychan (small.ADJ+SM) [1], fyddai (be.V.3S.COND+SM) [1], fysan (finger.V.3P.FUT+SM) [1], gafon (get.V.1P.PAST+SM) [1], garw (rough.ADJ) [1], gawn (get.V.1P.PRES+SM) [1], ges (get.V.1S.PAST+SM) [1], gladdu (bury.V.INFIN+SM) [1], gloch (bell.N.F.SG+SM) [1], glust (ear.N.MF.SG+SM) [1], goelia (believe.V.3S.PRES+SM) [1], gofyn (ask.V.INFIN) [1], gongl (corner.N.F.SG+SM) [1], gorau (best.ADJ.SUP.[or].choirs.N.M.PL+SM) [1], gormod (too_much.QUANT) [1], Goronwy (name) [1], Greta (name) [1], gweld (see.V.INFIN) [1], gyd (joint.ADJ+SM) [1], gynno (with_him.PREP+PRON.M.3S) [1], hefo (with.PREP+H) [1], hefyd (also.ADV) [1], hi (she.PRON.F.3S) [1], hurio (hire.V.INFIN) [1], hynny (that.ADJ.DEM.SP) [1], i (I.PRON.1S.[or].to.PREP) [1], Ianto (name) [1], iawn (OK.ADV) [1], iddi (to_her.PREP+PRON.F.3S) [1], Ifan (name) [1], isio (want.N.M.SG) [1], Jack (name) [1], ladd (kill.V.INFIN+SM) [1], Lerpwl (name) [1], lladd (kill.V.INFIN) [1], llawer (many.QUAN) [1], llefrith (milk.N.M.SG) [1], llyncu (swallow.V.INFIN) [1], Lyn (name) [1], medru (be_able.V.INFIN) [1], mis (month.N.M.SG) [1], Mona_Radio (name) [1], mor (so.ADV) [1], Mr_Peters (name) [1], myn (insist.V.2S.IMPER) [1], na (PRT.NEG) [1], na ((n)or.CONJ) [1], naci (no.ADV) [1], naw (nine.NUM) [1], neb (anyone.PRON) [1], nesa (next.ADJ.SUP) [1], o (he.PRON.M.3S.[or].from.PREP.[or].of.PREP) [1], oeddwn (be.V.1S.IMPERF) [1], oes (be.V.3S.PRES.INDEF) [1], o_flaen (in front of.PREP) [1], ofn (fear.N.M.SG) [1], ohonan (from_them.PREP+PRON.3P) [1], ond (but.CONJ) [1], pa (which.ADJ) [1], pan (when.CONJ) [1], pasio (pass.V.INFIN) [1], pigo (pick.V.INFIN) [1], pobl (people.N.F.SG) [1], punt (pound.N.F.SG.[or].pound.N.F.SG) [1], rannu (divide.V.INFIN+SM) [1], rei (some.PRON+SM) [1], rhyfel (war.N.MF.SG) [1], roi (give.V.INFIN+SM) [1], rŵan (now.ADV) [1], rywbeth (something.N.M.SG+SM) [1], rywle (somewhere.N.M.SG+SM) [1], rywun (someone.N.M.SG+SM) [1], Sam (name) [1], Sandra (name) [1], senten (unk) [1], Sion_Hardy (name) [1], siwgr (sugar.N.M.SG) [1], sti (you_know.IM) [1], sure (unk) [1], ta (be.IM) [1], tai (houses.N.M.PL) [1], ta_waeth (unk) [1], teulu (family.N.M.SG) [1], ti (you.PRON.2S) [1], toedden (unk) [1], Trecastell (name) [1], troed (foot.N.MF.SG.[or].turn.V.3S.IMPER) [1], tua (towards.PREP) [1], (house.N.M.SG) [1], tynnu (draw.V.INFIN) [1], uwch (higher.ADJ) [1], uwd (unk) [1], weithio (work.V.INFIN+SM) [1], wir (true.ADJ+SM) [1], wn (know.V.1S.PRES+SM) [1], wnaeth (do.V.3S.PAST+SM) [1], wnaethon (do.V.3P.PAST+SM) [1], wneud (make.V.INFIN+SM) [1], wrth_gwrs (of_course.ADV) [1], wrthi (to_her.PREP+PRON.F.3S) [1], wsti (know.V.2S.PRES) [1], wyt (be.V.2S.PRES) [1], xx (unk) [1], y (my.ADJ.POSS.1S) [1], ydan (be.V.1P.PRES) [1], yn_bydd (unk) [1], yn_dôl (unk) [1], yndw (be.V.1S.PRES.EMPH) [1], yno (there.ADV) [1],

Words with language tag: cym&eng (47)

mmm (mmm.IM) [11], council (council.N.SG) [3], er (er.IM) [3], top (top.N.SG) [3], office (office.N.SG) [2], right (right.ADJ) [2], Anwen (name) [1], bills (bill.N.SG+PL.[or].pill.N.SG+SM+PL.[or].pills.N.PL+SM) [1], bloody (bloody.ADJ) [1], buses (buses.N.PL) [1], champion (champion.N.SG) [1], doubt (doubt.N.SG) [1], eh (eh.IM) [1], farm (farm.N.SG) [1], fashion (fashion.N.SG) [1], flat (flat.ADJ.[or].blat.SV.INFIN+SM) [1], hmm (hmm.IM) [1], lot (lot.N.SG) [1], nice (nice.ADJ) [1], oil (oil.N.SG) [1], ooh (ooh.IM) [1], pardon (pardon.SV.INFIN) [1], pills (pill.N.SG+PL.[or].pills.N.PL) [1], Rhos_y_Bol (name) [1], round (round.ADJ) [1], sht (unk) [1], straight (straight.ADJ) [1], tramp (tramp.SV.INFIN) [1], whisky (whisky.N.SG) [1],

Words with language tag: eng (20)

lung (lung.N.SG) [3], fifty (fifty.NUM) [2], Frenchman (name) [2], nineteen (nineteen.NUM) [2], anyway (anyway.ADV) [1], away (away.ADV) [1], birthday (birthday.N.SG) [1], conductor (conductor.N.SG) [1], crude (crude.ADJ) [1], fuck_all (unk) [1], gift (gift.N.SG) [1], Manchester (name) [1], sixty (sixty.NUM) [1], thirty_six (unk) [1], wheel_chair (unk) [1],