71 | GRG | I'mE sureCE sheE usedE toE workE whereE umCE +/ . |
| | I''m sure she used to work where IM |
| | I.PRON.SUB.1S+BE.V.PRES sure.ADJ she.PRON.SUB.F.3S use.V.PAST to.PREP work.V.INFIN where.REL um.IM |
| | I'm sure she used to work where IM |
74 | GRG | usedE toE workE whereE umCE SionynCE [?] workedE inE theE &ts shopCE . |
| | used to work where IM Sionyn worked in the shop |
| | use.V.INFIN+AV to.PREP work.V.INFIN where.REL um.IM name work.V.PAST in.PREP the.DET.DEF shop.N.SG |
| | used to work where IM Sionyn worked in the shop |
77 | GRG | theE junkE shopCE whereE theE newsagentsE usedE toE beE . |
| | the junk shop where the nesagents used to be |
| | the.DET.DEF junk.N.SG shop.N.SG where.REL the.DET.DEF newsagent.N.PL use.V.PAST to.PREP be.V.INFIN |
| | the junk shop where the nesagents used to be |
767 | ART | [- eng] to show him where the # pile has to go . |
| | to show him where the pile has to go |
| | to.PREP show.V.INFIN him.PRON.OBJ.M.3S where.REL the.DET.DEF pile.N.SG ha.IM+PV.[or].has.V.3S.PRES to.PREP go.V.INFIN |
| | to show him where the pile has to go |
771 | GRG | [- eng] wh(ere) [/] where is the # wood going to ? |
| | where where is the wood going to |
| | where.REL where.ADV is.V.3S.PRES the.DET.DEF wood.N.SG go.V.PRESPART to.PREP |
| | where is the wood going to? |
771 | GRG | [- eng] wh(ere) [/] where is the # wood going to ? |
| | where where is the wood going to |
| | where.REL where.ADV is.V.3S.PRES the.DET.DEF wood.N.SG go.V.PRESPART to.PREP |
| | where is the wood going to? |