Siarad, fusser7: 'numbers'
482 | ANE | ti [/] <ti yn # y numb(ers)CE> [//] ti (dd)im yn y numbersCE ond ti ar y staffCE sortCE ofE thingE yeahCE ? |
| | PRON.2S PRON.2S in DET numbers PRON.2S NEG in DET numbers but PRON.2S on DET staff sort of thing yeah |
| | you.PRON.2S you.PRON.2S in.PREP the.DET.DEF number.N.SG+PL you.PRON.2S nothing.N.M.SG+SM.[or].not.ADV+SM in.PREP the.DET.DEF number.N.SG+PL but.CONJ you.PRON.2S on.PREP the.DET.DEF staff.N.SG sort.N.SG of.PREP thing.N.SG yeah.ADV |
| | you're in.. . you're not in the numbers but you're on the staff, sort of thing, yeah? |
482 | ANE | ti [/] <ti yn # y numb(ers)CE> [//] ti (dd)im yn y numbersCE ond ti ar y staffCE sortCE ofE thingE yeahCE ? |
| | PRON.2S PRON.2S in DET numbers PRON.2S NEG in DET numbers but PRON.2S on DET staff sort of thing yeah |
| | you.PRON.2S you.PRON.2S in.PREP the.DET.DEF number.N.SG+PL you.PRON.2S nothing.N.M.SG+SM.[or].not.ADV+SM in.PREP the.DET.DEF number.N.SG+PL but.CONJ you.PRON.2S on.PREP the.DET.DEF staff.N.SG sort.N.SG of.PREP thing.N.SG yeah.ADV |
| | you're in.. . you're not in the numbers but you're on the staff, sort of thing, yeah? |
483 | BLO | +< wellCE gei di gyfri nhw yn y numbersE . |
| | well get.2S.NONPAST PRON.2S count.NONFIN PRON.3PL in DET numbers |
| | well.ADV get.V.2S.PRES+SM you.PRON.2S+SM cover.V.2S.PRES+SM they.PRON.3P in.PREP the.DET.DEF number.N.PL |
| | well, you can count them in the numbers. |