27 | BLO | mae am ddod dy(dd) Mawrth de ? |
| | be.3S.PRES for come.NONFIN day Tuesday TAG |
| | be.V.3S.PRES for.PREP come.V.INFIN+SM day.N.M.SG Tuesday.N.M.SG be.IM+SM |
| | she's going to come on Tuesday, right? |
136 | ANE | wedyn mae hi yn mynd i ddod i_fewn efo # FredaCE a xxx a pethau . |
| | then be.3S.PRES PRON.3SF PRT go.NONFIN to come.NONFIN in with Freda and and things |
| | afterwards.ADV be.V.3S.PRES she.PRON.F.3S PRT go.V.INFIN to.PREP come.V.INFIN+SM in.PREP with.PREP name and.CONJ and.CONJ things.N.M.PL |
| | then she's going to come in with Freda and xxx and stuff. |