Siarad, fusser27: 'trefnu'
176 | MAB | a dw i isio gweld # NancyCE a BlodwenCE # yn y pnawn i # &dr [//] trefnu fath â efo (y)r tŷ . |
| | and be.1S.PRES PRON.1S want.NONFIN see.NONFIN Nancy and Bloden in DET afternoon PRT arrange.NONFIN kind with with DET house |
| | and.CONJ be.V.1S.PRES I.PRON.1S want.N.M.SG see.V.INFIN name and.CONJ name in.PREP the.DET.DEF afternoon.N.M.SG to.PREP arrange.V.INFIN type.N.F.SG+SM as.CONJ with.PREP the.DET.DEF house.N.M.SG |
| | and I want to see Nancy and Blodwen in the afternoon to arrange with the house. |