Siarad, fusser23: 'erioed'
250 | HEL | a fydd (y)na rai fan (y)na (y)dach chi (e)rioed (we)di weld mae sureCE fydd ? |
| | and be.3S.FUT there some place there be.2PL.PRES PRON.2PL ever PRT.PAST see.NONFIN be.3S.PRES sure be.3S.FUT |
| | and.CONJ be.V.3S.FUT+SM there.ADV some.PREQ+SM place.N.MF.SG+SM there.ADV be.V.2P.PRES you.PRON.2P never.ADV after.PREP see.V.INFIN+SM be.V.3S.PRES sure.ADJ be.V.3S.FUT+SM |
| | and there'll be some there you've never seen, probably, won't there? |
1180 | HEL | +< xxx math o beth nad ydw i erioed wedi clywed yn iawn be mae o feddwl de . |
| | kind of thing NEG be.1S.PRES PRON.1S ever PRT.PAST hear.NONFIN PRT right what be.3S.PRES PRON.3SM think.NONFIN TAG |
| | type.N.F.SG of.PREP thing.N.M.SG+SM who_not.PRON.REL.NEG be.V.1S.PRES I.PRON.1S never.ADV after.PREP hear.V.INFIN PRT OK.ADV what.INT be.V.3S.PRES of.PREP think.V.INFIN+SM be.IM+SM |
| | [...] the kind of thing I've never heard properly what it means, eh. |
1534 | AID | +< xxx # welais i erioed gymaint o lefydd bwyta . |
| | see.1S.PAST PRON.1S ever amount of places eat.NONFIN |
| | see.V.1S.PAST+SM I.PRON.1S never.ADV so much.ADJ+SM of.PREP places.N.M.PL+SM eat.V.INFIN |
| | [...] I never saw so many eateries. |