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Siarad, fusser23: 'beth'

136HEL+< (dy)na (y)r unig beth sy (y)na ynte ?
  there DET only thing be.PRES.REL there TAG
  that_is.ADV the.DET.DEF only.PREQ what.INT be.V.3S.PRES.REL there.ADV or.CONJ
  that's the only thing that's there, eh?
1180HEL+< xxx math o beth nad ydw i erioed wedi clywed yn iawn be mae o feddwl de .
  kind of thing NEG be.1S.PRES PRON.1S ever PRT.PAST hear.NONFIN PRT right what be.3S.PRES PRON.3SM think.NONFIN TAG
  type.N.F.SG of.PREP thing.N.M.SG+SM who_not.PRON.REL.NEG be.V.1S.PRES I.PRON.1S never.ADV after.PREP hear.V.INFIN PRT OK.ADV what.INT be.V.3S.PRES of.PREP think.V.INFIN+SM be.IM+SM
  [...] the kind of thing I've never heard properly what it means, eh.
1326AID(y)dach <chi gwybod> [=! laugh] neu beth bynnag de .
  be.2PL.PRES PRON.2PL know.NONFIN or what ever TAG
  be.V.2P.PRES you.PRON.2P know.V.INFIN or.CONJ thing.N.M.SG+SM -ever.ADJ be.IM+SM
  you know, or whatever, eh.
1453HEL(y)r unig beth &dÉ™ mae nhw (we)di wneud yn hwn .
  DET only thing be.3PL.PRES PRON.3PL PRT.PAST do.NONFIN PRT this
  the.DET.DEF only.PREQ what.INT be.V.3S.PRES they.PRON.3P after.PREP make.V.INFIN+SM PRT.[or].in.PREP this.PRON.DEM.M.SG
  the one thing they've done in this one.
1500HELyr unig beth xxx fedrwch chi (ddi)m xxx filmsCE na (di)m_byd (y)na .
  DET only thing can.2PL.NONPAST PRON.2PL NEG films NEG nothing there
  the.DET.DEF only.PREQ what.INT be_able.V.2P.PRES+SM you.PRON.2P not.ADV+SM film.N.SG+PL no.ADV.[or].PRT.NEG.[or].who_not.PRON.REL.NEG.[or].(n)or.CONJ.[or].than.CONJ nothing.ADV there.ADV
  the only thing [...] you can't [...] films or anything there.
1591AIDyeahCE beth cyn i TescoCE a xxx ddod yeahCE ?
  yeah what before PRT Tesco and come.NONFIN yeah
  yeah.ADV what.INT before.PREP to.PREP name and.CONJ come.V.INFIN+SM yeah.ADV
  yeah, what, before Tesco and [...] came yeah?
1675AIDbeth [///] yndw pam ddim .
  what be.1S.PRES why NEG
  what.INT be.V.1S.PRES.EMPH why?.ADV nothing.N.M.SG+SM.[or].not.ADV+SM
  what...yes, why not.