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Siarad, fusser17: 'one'

844AET<byddech chi medru deud> [?] # oneE thirdE oneE thirdE oneE thirdE de .
  be.2PL.CONDIT PRON.2PL can.NONFIN say.NONFIN one third one third one third TAG
  be.V.2P.COND you.PRON.2P be_able.V.INFIN say.V.INFIN one.PRON.SG third.ADJ one.PRON.SG third.ADJ one.PRON.SG third.ADJ be.IM+SM
  you could say, one third, one third, one third, right
844AET<byddech chi medru deud> [?] # oneE thirdE oneE thirdE oneE thirdE de .
  be.2PL.CONDIT PRON.2PL can.NONFIN say.NONFIN one third one third one third TAG
  be.V.2P.COND you.PRON.2P be_able.V.INFIN say.V.INFIN one.PRON.SG third.ADJ one.PRON.SG third.ADJ one.PRON.SG third.ADJ be.IM+SM
  you could say, one third, one third, one third, right
844AET<byddech chi medru deud> [?] # oneE thirdE oneE thirdE oneE thirdE de .
  be.2PL.CONDIT PRON.2PL can.NONFIN say.NONFIN one third one third one third TAG
  be.V.2P.COND you.PRON.2P be_able.V.INFIN say.V.INFIN one.PRON.SG third.ADJ one.PRON.SG third.ADJ one.PRON.SG third.ADJ be.IM+SM
  you could say, one third, one third, one third, right
845BEN+< thirdE [?] oneE thirdE yeahCE .
  third one third yeah
  third.ADJ one.PRON.SG third.ADJ yeah.ADV
  third, one third, yeah
846AETond dach chi mynd i llall wan de &=clicks_projector oneE halfE wan .
  but be.2PL.PRES PRON.2PL go.NONFIN to other now TAG one half now
  but.CONJ be.V.2P.PRES you.PRON.2P go.V.INFIN to.PREP other.PRON weak.ADJ+SM.[or].pale.ADJ+SM be.IM+SM one.PRON.SG half.N.SG weak.ADJ+SM.[or].pale.ADJ+SM
  but you go to the other one now, right, one half now
848AET+< mae xx oneE halfE wan .
  be.3S.PRES one half now
  be.V.3S.PRES one.PRON.SG half.N.SG weak.ADJ+SM.[or].pale.ADJ+SM
  it's one half now
1398AETond o'n i (y)n teimlo hefyd bod chi medru [?] neidio # oneE twoE threeE fourE fiveE i_fyny de # fath รข stepsCE trwy (y)r llun .
  but be.1S.IMP PRON.1S PRT feel.NONFIN also be.NONFIN PRON.2PL can.NONFIN jump.NONFIN one two three four five up TAG kind with steps through DET picture
  but.CONJ be.V.1S.IMPERF I.PRON.1S PRT feel.V.INFIN also.ADV be.V.INFIN you.PRON.2P be_able.V.INFIN jump.V.INFIN one.PRON.SG two.NUM three.NUM four.NUM five.NUM up.ADV be.IM+SM type.N.F.SG+SM as.PREP step.N.SG+PL through.PREP the.DET.DEF picture.N.M.SG
  but I felt also that you could jump, one two three four five, right, like steps through the photo
1626AEToneE thirdE # dach chi (we)di gweld mewn ffordd .
  one third be.2PL.PRES PRON.2PL PRT.PAST see.NONFIN in way
  one.PRON.SG third.ADJ be.V.2P.PRES you.PRON.2P after.PREP see.V.INFIN in.PREP way.N.F.SG
  you've only seen one third, in a way