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Siarad, davies1, NON: 'Awst'

314NONond [?] allen i fynd twel wythnos gynta mis Awst # yw genedlaethol .
  but can.1S.CONDIT PRON.1S go.NONFIN see.2S week first month August be.3S.PRES national
  but.CONJ be_able.V.1P.IMPERF+SM I.PRON.1S.[or].to.PREP go.V.INFIN+SM see.V.2S.PRES week.N.F.SG first.ORD+SM month.N.M.SG August.N.M.SG be.V.3S.PRES national.ADJ+SM
  but I could go, you see, the first week of the national [eisteddfod]
316NONsoCE wedyn allen i fynd gwed ail wythnos mis Awst # tan diwedd Medi wedyn .
  so then can.1S.CONDIT PRON.1S go.NONFIN say.2S.IMPER second week month August until end September then
  so.ADV afterwards.ADV be_able.V.1P.IMPERF+SM I.PRON.1S.[or].to.PREP go.V.INFIN+SM unk second.ORD week.N.F.SG month.N.M.SG August.N.M.SG until.PREP end.N.M.SG September.N.M.SG afterwards.ADV
  so then I could go, say, in the second week of August until the end of September then
317SARbydd sureCE galw amdano fe pryd (hyn)ny achos mis [?] Awst pob un arall ar eu [?] gwyliau .
  be.3S.FUT sure call.NONFIN for.3SM PRON.3SM time that because month Augist every one other on POSS.3PL holiday
  be.V.3S.FUT sure.ADJ call.V.INFIN for_him.PREP+PRON.M.3S he.PRON.M.3S when.INT.[or].time.N.M.SG that.ADJ.DEM.SP because.CONJ month.N.M.SG August.N.M.SG each.PREQ one.NUM other.ADJ on.PREP their.ADJ.POSS.3P holidays.N.F.PL
  there'll probably be demand for it that time because in August everyone else will be on holiday