Patagonia, patagonia8: 'ffordd'
13 | VIC | oedd gen i ddim ffordd i fynd . |
| | be.V.3S.IMPERF with.PREP I.PRON.1S not.ADV+SM way.N.F.SG to.PREP go.V.INFIN+SM |
| | I didn't have a way to go. |
161 | VIC | ohCS mae tŷ xxx yn_does ar y ffordd ? |
| | oh.IM be.V.3S.PRES house.N.M.SG be.V.3S.PRES.INDEF.TAG on.PREP the.DET.DEF way.N.F.SG |
| | oh, there's the house of [...], isn't there, on the way? |
177 | ELE | wela ffor(dd) (y)na . |
| | see.V.1S.PRES+SM way.N.F.SG there.ADV |
| | look over there |
179 | ELE | wyt ti (y)n gwybod ffordd i roid nhw (y)n_ôl (y)ma ? |
| | be.V.2S.PRES you.PRON.2S PRT know.V.INFIN way.N.F.SG to.PREP give.V.INFIN+SM they.PRON.3P back.ADV here.ADV |
| | do you know a way of putting them back here ? |
181 | ELE | wyt ti (y)n gwybod ffordd i roid nhw (y)n_ôl ? |
| | be.V.2S.PRES you.PRON.2S PRT know.V.INFIN way.N.F.SG to.PREP give.V.INFIN+SM they.PRON.3P back.ADV |
| | do you know how to put them back? |
660 | VIC | ie stori (y)n mynd allan rhyw ffordd . |
| | yes.ADV story.N.F.SG PRT go.V.INFIN out.ADV some.PREQ way.N.F.SG |
| | yes, the story'd get out somehow. |