Patagonia, patagonia34: 'degfed'
262 | CAA | y degfed . |
| | the.DET.DEF tenth.ORD |
| | the 10th |
265 | CYN | ac ar y degfed (.) rhaid fi bod yma (.) achos maen nhw (y)n wneud y juramentoS delS consejoS deS judicaturaS . |
| | and.CONJ on.PREP the.DET.DEF tenth.ORD necessity.N.M.SG I.PRON.1S+SM be.V.INFIN here.ADV because.CONJ be.V.3P.PRES they.PRON.3P PRT make.V.INFIN+SM the.DET.DEF swearing.N.M.SG of_the.PREP+DET.DEF.M.SG tip.N.M.SG of.PREP judicature.N.F.SG |
| | and on the 10th I have to be here because they're doing the judiciary council oath |