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Patagonia, patagonia32: 'draw'

188LOLefo xxx draw wrth_gwrs o_gwmpas xxx noS ?
  with.PREP yonder.ADV of_course.ADV around.ADV not.ADV
  with [...] over there of course around [...], isn't it?
194JOSwedi gyrru draw .
  after.PREP drive.V.INFIN yonder.ADV
  driven over.
246LOL+, (.) oedd o (y)n nabod [/] (..) nabod uh (..) bachgen un o (y)r gwragedd (y)ma (he)fyd (.) sydd yn gweithio draw .
  be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S PRT know_someone.V.INFIN know_someone.V.INFIN er.IM boy.N.M.SG one.NUM of.PREP the.DET.DEF wives.N.F.PL here.ADV also.ADV be.V.3S.PRES.REL PRT work.V.INFIN yonder.ADV
  he knew the son of one of these women too, who works over there.
446JOSia (.) maen nhw wedi sefyll draw .
  yes.ADV be.V.3P.PRES they.PRON.3P after.PREP stand.V.INFIN yonder.ADV
  yes, they have stayed away.
523LOLa wedyn (..) allet [?] ti ddeud <bod nhw> [//] bod efo nhw &f ei ffrindiau nhw bod nhw (y)n licio i xxx rheiny fynd draw neu rywbeth fel (y)na .
  and.CONJ afterwards.ADV be_able.V.2S.IMPERF+SM you.PRON.2S say.V.INFIN+SM be.V.INFIN they.PRON.3P be.V.INFIN with.PREP they.PRON.3P his.ADJ.POSS.M.3S friends.N.M.PL they.PRON.3P be.V.INFIN they.PRON.3P PRT like.V.INFIN to.PREP those.PRON go.V.INFIN+SM yonder.ADV or.CONJ something.N.M.SG+SM like.CONJ there.ADV
  and then you could say that they, amongst them, their friends, that they like [...] those to go over or something like that.