Patagonia, patagonia10: 'ac'
118 | ANG | a yn yr eisteddfod (.) TrevelinCS dw wedi (.) canu yn Cymraeg ac yn castellanoS . |
| | and.CONJ in.PREP the.DET.DEF eisteddfod.N.F.SG name be.V.1S.PRES after.PREP sing.V.INFIN in.PREP Welsh.N.F.SG and.CONJ PRT Spanish.N.M.SG |
| | and in the Trevelin Eisteddfod I've sung in Welsh and in Spanish. |
150 | ANG | i wneud cirugíasS a (.) tynnu &bɒ uh babi (.) o (y)r bol (..) ac yn tynnu (.) arian o (y)r ceg . |
| | to.PREP make.V.INFIN+SM surgery.N.F.PL and.CONJ draw.V.INFIN er.IM baby.N.MF.SG of.PREP the.DET.DEF belly.N.M.SG and.CONJ PRT draw.V.INFIN money.N.M.SG of.PREP the.DET.DEF mouth.N.F.SG |
| | to do surgeries and take the baby from the tummy, and taking money from the mouth |