126 | ELE | so yeah I have a meeting that day . |
| | so.ADV yeah.ADV I.PRON.SUB.1S have.V.1S.PRES a.DET.INDEF unk that.DEM.FAR day.N.SG |
| | |
229 | ELE | it wasn't in theatres when I went the other day . |
| | it.PRON.SUB.3S was.V.3S.PAST+NEG in.PREP unk when.CONJ I.PRON.SUB.1S went.V.PAST the.DET.DEF other.ADJ day.N.SG |
| | |
404 | FEL | the first day she feinted in P_e . |
| | the.DET.DEF first.ADJ day.N.SG she.PRON.SUB.F.3S feint.N.SG+AV in.PREP name |
| | |
410 | FEL | on the first day she feinted like five times . |
| | on.PREP the.DET.DEF first.ADJ day.N.SG she.PRON.SUB.F.3S feint.N.SG+AV like.CONJ five.NUM time.N.PL |
| | |
416 | FEL | like not on the same day . |
| | like.CONJ.[or].like.V.INFIN not.ADV on.PREP the.DET.DEF same.ADJ day.N.SG |
| | |
417 | FEL | but like (.) the first day he put us to run for some reason like a lot . |
| | but.CONJ like.CONJ.[or].like.V.INFIN the.DET.DEF first.ADJ day.N.SG he.PRON.SUB.M.3S put.V.3S.PRES us.PRON.OBJ.1P to.PREP run.V.INFIN for.PREP some.ADJ reason.N.SG like.CONJ a.DET.INDEF lot.N.SG |
| | |
418 | FEL | we had to run like two miles the first day . |
| | we.PRON.SUB.1P had.V.PAST to.PREP run.V.INFIN like.CONJ two.NUM mile.N.PL the.DET.DEF first.ADJ day.N.SG |
| | |
420 | FEL | I think twice in the same day both . |
| | I.PRON.SUB.1S think.V.1S.PRES twice.ADV in.PREP the.DET.DEF same.ADJ day.N.SG both.ADJ |
| | |
477 | FEL | yeah but how much tips do you make in like a day in To_GoSE ? |
| | yeah.ADV but.CONJ how.ADV much.ADJ tip.N.PL do.V.2SP.PRES you.PRON.SUB.2SP make.V.2SP.PRES in.PREP like.CONJ a.DET.INDEF day.N.SG in.PREP name |
| | |
485 | FEL | you make like ten dollars more in [/] in To_GoSE per day right ? |
| | you.PRON.SUB.2SP make.V.2SP.PRES like.CONJ ten.NUM dollar.N.PL more.ADV in.PREP in.PREP name per.ADJ day.N.SG right.ADJ |
| | |
487 | FEL | <you &w> [/] you will make like ten dollars more a day in To_GoSE ? |
| | you.PRON.SUB.2SP you.PRON.SUB.2SP will.V.2SP.FUT make.SV.INFIN like.CONJ ten.NUM dollar.N.PL more.ADV a.DET.INDEF day.N.SG in.PREP name |
| | |
552 | ELE | +< I was talking to your mom the other day . |
| | I.PRON.SUB.1S was.V.13S.PAST talk.V.PRESPART to.PREP your.ADJ.POSS.2SP mom.N.SG the.DET.DEF other.ADJ day.N.SG |
| | |
585 | ELE | <I think> [//] <I get> [///] the other day I saw like (.) there's a place in Silver_lakesSE . |
| | I.PRON.SUB.1S think.V.1S.PRES I.PRON.SUB.1S get.V.1S.PRES the.DET.DEF other.ADJ day.N.SG I.PRON.SUB.1S saw.V.PAST like.CONJ there.PRON+BE.V.3S.PRES a.DET.INDEF place.N.SG in.PREP name |
| | |
591 | FEL | yeah but it wouldn't be like every single day . |
| | yeah.ADV but.CONJ it.PRON.SUB.3S be.V.3S.COND+NEG be.SV.INFIN like.CONJ.[or].like.SV.INFIN every.ADJ single.ADJ day.N.SG |
| | |