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Miami, sastre4: 'medication'

740EMIthey can't even give her the type of drugs that like the type of medication that they give to AlbertoSE .
  they.PRON.SUB.3P can.V.123SP.PRES+NEG even.ADV give.V.INFIN her.ADJ.POSS.F.3S.[or].her.PRON.OBJ.F.3S the.DET.DEF type.N.SG of.PREP drug.N.PL that.CONJ like.CONJ.[or].like.V.INFIN the.DET.DEF type.N.SG of.PREP medication.N.SG that.CONJ they.PRON.SUB.3P give.V.3P.PRES to.PREP name