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Miami, sastre3, LAN: 'en'

116MAS[- spa] no esa idea fue tuya pero yo digo en principio (.) estaba diciendo yo eso .
  not.ADV that.ADJ.DEM.F.SG notion.N.F.SG be.V.3S.PAST of_yours.ADJ.POSS.MF.2S.F.SG but.CONJ I.PRON.SUB.MF.1S tell.V.1S.PRES in.PREP principle.N.M.SG be.V.13S.IMPERF tell.V.PRESPART I.PRON.SUB.MF.1S that.PRON.DEM.NT.SG
  no, that was your idea, but I'm saying in principle, I myself was saying that.
143MAS[- spa] ahí en la orientación tú puedes determinar si <la &per> [//] un candidato es bueno o no .
  there.ADV in.PREP the.DET.DEF.F.SG orientation.N.F.SG you.PRON.SUB.MF.2S be_able.V.2S.PRES determine.V.INFIN if.CONJ the.DET.DEF.F.SG one.DET.INDEF.M.SG nominee.N.M.SG be.V.3S.PRES well.E or.CONJ not.ADV
  then in the orientation you can decide if the person is a good candidate or not.
171MAS[- spa] <pero eso es lo> [/] eso es lo que dije yo a él en [/] en [/] en la oficina mía se lo dije .
  but.CONJ that.PRON.DEM.NT.SG be.V.3S.PRES the.DET.DEF.NT.SG that.PRON.DEM.NT.SG be.V.3S.PRES the.DET.DEF.NT.SG that.PRON.REL tell.V.1S.PAST I.PRON.SUB.MF.1S to.PREP he.PRON.OBJ.M.3S in.PREP in.PREP in.PREP the.DET.DEF.F.SG office.N.F.SG of_mine.ADJ.POSS.MF.1S.F.SG to_him.PRON.INDIR.MF.3SP him.PRON.OBJ.M.3S tell.V.1S.PAST
  but this is what I said to him in my office I said
171MAS[- spa] <pero eso es lo> [/] eso es lo que dije yo a él en [/] en [/] en la oficina mía se lo dije .
  but.CONJ that.PRON.DEM.NT.SG be.V.3S.PRES the.DET.DEF.NT.SG that.PRON.DEM.NT.SG be.V.3S.PRES the.DET.DEF.NT.SG that.PRON.REL tell.V.1S.PAST I.PRON.SUB.MF.1S to.PREP he.PRON.OBJ.M.3S in.PREP in.PREP in.PREP the.DET.DEF.F.SG office.N.F.SG of_mine.ADJ.POSS.MF.1S.F.SG to_him.PRON.INDIR.MF.3SP him.PRON.OBJ.M.3S tell.V.1S.PAST
  but this is what I said to him in my office I said
171MAS[- spa] <pero eso es lo> [/] eso es lo que dije yo a él en [/] en [/] en la oficina mía se lo dije .
  but.CONJ that.PRON.DEM.NT.SG be.V.3S.PRES the.DET.DEF.NT.SG that.PRON.DEM.NT.SG be.V.3S.PRES the.DET.DEF.NT.SG that.PRON.REL tell.V.1S.PAST I.PRON.SUB.MF.1S to.PREP he.PRON.OBJ.M.3S in.PREP in.PREP in.PREP the.DET.DEF.F.SG office.N.F.SG of_mine.ADJ.POSS.MF.1S.F.SG to_him.PRON.INDIR.MF.3SP him.PRON.OBJ.M.3S tell.V.1S.PAST
  but this is what I said to him in my office I said
256MAStodosS losS mesesS losS vanS aS xxx enS vezS deS tenerS tresS milS personasS I'm gonna have at least (.) um +/.
  all.ADJ.M.PL the.DET.DEF.M.PL month.N.M.PL them.PRON.OBJ.M.3P go.V.3P.PRES to.PREP in.PREP time.N.F.SG of.PREP have.V.INFIN three.NUM thousand.NUM person.N.F.PL I.PRON.SUB.1S+BE.V.PRES go.V.PRESPART+TO.PREP have.V.INFIN at.PREP least.ADJ um.IM
  every month they're going to [...] instead of having three thousand people.I'm going to have at least um
299MASyS enS losS diezS añosS (.) aS élS queS leS prometieronS queS ibanS aS sacarS aS laS genteS the personal technician todoS technician ibanS xxx payroll aS trabajarS aprenderseS elS trabajoS .
  and.CONJ in.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.PL ten.NUM year.N.M.PL to.PREP he.PRON.OBJ.M.3S that.CONJ him.PRON.OBL.MF.23S pledge.V.3P.PAST that.CONJ go.V.3P.IMPERF to.PREP remove.V.INFIN to.PREP the.DET.DEF.F.SG people.N.F.SG the.DET.DEF personal.ADJ technician.N.SG all.ADJ.M.SG technician.N.SG go.V.3P.IMPERF payroll.N.SG to.PREP work.V.INFIN learn.V.INFIN+SE[PRON.MF.3S] the.DET.DEF.M.SG work.N.M.SG
  and in those ten years they promised him that they were going to take away the people, the personal technician(s), all the technician(s), they were going to [...] payroll to work, to learn the work.
349MAS[- spa] porque ahora mismo (.) es [//] no [/] no es razón para tener cinco [///] cuatro de esos sargentos (.) en el departamento de nosotros .
  because.CONJ now.ADV same.ADJ.M.SG be.V.3S.PRES not.ADV not.ADV be.V.3S.PRES reason.N.F.SG for.PREP have.V.INFIN five.NUM four.NUM of.PREP that.ADJ.DEM.M.PL sergeant.N.M in.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG department.N.M.SG of.PREP we.PRON.SUB.M.1P
  because right now there's no reason to have five four of these sergeants in our department
363MASyoS tuveS queS metermeS paraS decirleS aS ellosS másS oS menosS loS queS seS hacíaS enS esteS departamentoS cómoS seS procesanS elS aplicanteS (.) cómoS esperarS [?] queS esS loS queS seS esperanS in the academy .
  I.PRON.SUB.MF.1S have.V.1S.PAST that.CONJ put.V.INFIN+ME[PRON.MF.1S] for.PREP tell.V.INFIN+LE[PRON.MF.3S] to.PREP they.PRON.OBJ.M.3P more.ADV or.CONJ less.ADV the.DET.DEF.NT.SG that.PRON.REL self.PRON.REFL.MF.3SP do.V.13S.IMPERF in.PREP East.N.M.SG department.N.M.SG how.INT self.PRON.REFL.MF.3SP process.V.3P.PRES the.DET.DEF.M.SG applicant.N.M.SG how.INT wait.V.INFIN that.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES the.DET.DEF.NT.SG that.PRON.REL self.PRON.REFL.MF.3SP wait.V.3P.PRES in.PREP the.DET.DEF academy.N.SG
  I had to get involved to tell them more or less what they would do in this departmenthow they would process the applicants what they could hope to expect from the academy
398OLI[- spa] una frazada en vuelta ahí .
  a.DET.INDEF.F.SG blanket in.PREP return.N.F.SG there.ADV
  it's wrapped in a blanket
404LAN[- spa] es una tortilla gigante en vuelta .
  be.V.3S.PRES a.DET.INDEF.F.SG tortilla.N.F.SG giant.ADJ.SG in.PREP return.N.F.SG
  it's a huge wrapped tortilla
463MASyS quéS pasaS queS entoncesS enS vezS deS élS aplicarleS estoS elS lieutenant xxx took it upon himself xxx .
  and.CONJ what.INT pass.V.2S.IMPER.[or].pass.V.3S.PRES that.CONJ then.ADV in.PREP time.N.F.SG of.PREP he.PRON.SUB.M.3S enforce.V.INFIN+LE[PRON.MF.3S] this.PRON.DEM.NT.SG the.DET.DEF.M.SG lieutenant.N.SG take.V.PAST it.PRON.OBJ.3S upon.PREP himself.PRON.REFL.M.3S
  and what happens next is that instead of him applying it, this [...] liutenant took it upon himself [...].
611MASxxx sabíaS cualesS xxx losS jueyesS ahíS enS VisquenSE xxx .
  know.V.13S.IMPERF which.PRON.REL.MF.PL the.DET.DEF.M.PL crab.N.M.PL there.ADV in.PREP name
  [...] knew which crabs there in Visque
645MAS[- spa] miren vació el bote de sal en [/] en un cangrejo .
  look.V.3P.SUBJ.PRES empty.V.3S.PAST the.DET.DEF.M.SG bounce.V.13S.SUBJ.PRES of.PREP salt.N.F.SG in.PREP in.PREP one.DET.INDEF.M.SG crab.N.M.SG
  look she emptied the bottle of salt into a crab
645MAS[- spa] miren vació el bote de sal en [/] en un cangrejo .
  look.V.3P.SUBJ.PRES empty.V.3S.PAST the.DET.DEF.M.SG bounce.V.13S.SUBJ.PRES of.PREP salt.N.F.SG in.PREP in.PREP one.DET.INDEF.M.SG crab.N.M.SG
  look she emptied the bottle of salt into a crab
651LAN[- spa] y lo pones en el caparazón todo lo mezclado .
  and.CONJ him.PRON.OBJ.M.3S put.V.2S.PRES in.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG shell.N.M.SG all.ADJ.M.SG him.PRON.OBJ.M.3S mix.V.PASTPART
  and you put it with the shell all mixed up
676OLI[- spa] xxx la ha pasado más bien en el carro con el teniente ese &=laughs .
  her.PRON.OBJ.F.3S have.V.3S.PRES pass.V.PASTPART more.ADV good.N.M.SG in.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG car.N.M.SG with.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG lieutenant.N.M.SG that.PRON.DEM.M.SG
  [...] it's been a lot of fun being in the car with the lieutenant
820MASélS trabajaS másS enS background (.) ehSE comoS investigadorS approving the files .
  he.PRON.SUB.M.3S work.V.2S.IMPER.[or].work.V.3S.PRES more.ADV in.PREP background.N.SG eh.IM like.CONJ researcher.N.M.SG approve.V.PRESPART the.DET.DEF file.N.SG+PV
  he works more in the background. like an investigator. approving the files
823OLI[- spa] y dónde se sienta él en eso ?
  and.CONJ where.INT self.PRON.REFL.MF.3SP feel.V.13S.SUBJ.PRES.[or].sit.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.SUB.M.3S in.PREP that.PRON.DEM.NT.SG
  and where does he sit to do all this?
1049MAS[- spa] en [/] <en el> [//] allá en el +//.
  in.PREP in.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG there.ADV in.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG
  over over there in the
1049MAS[- spa] en [/] <en el> [//] allá en el +//.
  in.PREP in.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG there.ADV in.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG
  over over there in the
1049MAS[- spa] en [/] <en el> [//] allá en el +//.
  in.PREP in.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG there.ADV in.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG
  over over there in the