Miami, herring6: 'stomach'
518 | JES | +" oh no I you know I [/] I had you know a stomach virus . |
| | oh.IM no.ADV I.PRON.SUB.1S you.PRON.SUB.2SP know.V.2SP.PRES I.PRON.SUB.1S I.PRON.SUB.1S had.V.PAST you.PRON.SUB.2SP know.V.2SP.PRES a.DET.INDEF stomach.N.SG virus.N.SG |
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519 | JES | +" oh a stomach virus ok . |
| | oh.IM a.DET.INDEF stomach.N.SG virus.N.SG unk |
| | |
522 | JES | and she goes [/] she [/] she would erSE ask for worker's compensation because she got the stomach virus from a kid in the class . |
| | and.CONJ she.PRON.SUB.F.3S goes.V.3S.PRES she.PRON.SUB.F.3S she.PRON.SUB.F.3S be.V.3S.COND er.IM ask.SV.INFIN for.PREP worker.N.SG+=POSS compensation.N.SG because.CONJ she.PRON.SUB.F.3S got.V.PAST the.DET.DEF stomach.N.SG virus.N.SG from.PREP a.DET.INDEF kid.N.SG in.PREP the.DET.DEF class.N.SG |
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