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Miami, herring15: 'did'

51BRA+" yeah yeah I have here that you did it .
  yeah.ADV yeah.ADV I.PRON.SUB.1S have.V.1S.PRES here.ADV that.CONJ you.PRON.SUB.2SP did.V.PAST it.PRON.OBJ.3S
56BRA(be)cause I did the same thing the last time we turned all our projects in .
  because.CONJ I.PRON.SUB.1S did.V.PAST the.DET.DEF same.ADJ thing.N.SG the.DET.DEF last.ADJ time.N.SG we.PRON.SUB.1P unk all.ADJ our.ADJ.POSS.1P project.N.PL in.PREP
79EVNyeah he did take that class .
  yeah.ADV he.PRON.SUB.M.3S did.V.PAST take.SV.INFIN that.DEM.FAR class.N.SG
96EVNhow many miles did it have on it though ?
  how.ADV many.ADJ mile.N.PL did.V.PAST it.PRON.SUB.3S have.V.3S.PRES on.PREP it.PRON.SUB.3S though.CONJ
227EVNwhen you went to New_YorkSE in the summer did you go to the beach ?
  when.CONJ you.PRON.SUB.2SP went.V.PAST to.PREP name in.PREP the.DET.DEF summer.N.SG did.V.PAST you.PRON.SUB.2SP go.V.2SP.PRES to.PREP the.DET.DEF beach.N.SG
310BRAhe did his first night dive with him and everything .
  he.PRON.SUB.M.3S did.V.PAST his.ADJ.POSS.M.3S first.ADJ night.N.SG dive.N.SG with.PREP him.PRON.OBJ.M.3S and.CONJ everything.PRON
594EVNdid you still have the stingers in when you went in ?
  did.V.PAST you.PRON.SUB.2SP still.ADJ have.V.2SP.PRES the.DET.DEF stinger.N.PL in.PREP when.CONJ you.PRON.SUB.2SP went.V.PAST in.PREP