PATAGONIA - Patagonia4
Instances of oeddech for speaker SLA

828SLAtra oeddech chi allan efo Dad ?
  trawhile.CONJ oeddechbe.V.2P.IMPERF chiyou.PRON.2P allanout.ADV efowith.PREP Dadname ?
  while you were out with dad?
831SLAa ble oeddech chi tra oeddech chi allan ?
  aand.CONJ blewhere.INT oeddechbe.V.2P.IMPERF chiyou.PRON.2P trawhile.CONJ oeddechbe.V.2P.IMPERF chiyou.PRON.2P allanout.ADV ?
  and where were you when you were out?
831SLAa ble oeddech chi tra oeddech chi allan ?
  aand.CONJ blewhere.INT oeddechbe.V.2P.IMPERF chiyou.PRON.2P trawhile.CONJ oeddechbe.V.2P.IMPERF chiyou.PRON.2P allanout.ADV ?
  and where were you when you were out?
834SLAble oeddech chi wedi bod ?
  blewhere.INT oeddechbe.V.2P.IMPERF chiyou.PRON.2P wediafter.PREP bodbe.V.INFIN ?
  where had you been?

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